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[FSX] Corfu LGKR

Hi all,

Some screens of the progress i ve been making in ground texture development for Corfu (LGKR). Currently using FS2002SDK gMAX method for ground polys.

This approach is so beautiful...

Looking forward for some feedback/comments :D

Starting on the approach:


Airport View:


....and some ground views:



Toughest apron shapes/taxilines I had to do so far...!


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Dude you are my hero!!! :D :D :D You have no ideea how mutch I love that airport!!! What you did looks incredible nice. 2 years ago I went there speccialy for plane spotting. I loved that airport so much that I decide to model it for FS when I will come home. Unfortunately I had to give up in favor of my home country airports.
If it helps I'm glade to send you all my photos of LGKR and the saraundings. They were made especially for textures. I hope that in this way you will make good use of them.

Keep up the good work!
Thanks a lot! It really means a lot to hear good words from someone who has actually been there a few times ! This airport has indeed a magical approach...:D Still loads of 3D buildings work to be done of course... :)

About the photos... :) can't thank you enough! (already send you a PM regarding that)

Many thanks again
This is insanely good work man!!
Being Greek I always wanted to have Corfu for FSX.

I am going to buy this scenery!
Thanks a lot!

indeed, texturing is still taking most of design time really...:D
Hello Emilios

Seeing your runways textures, this is FS dreamteam quality level !

Keep on the good work

The textures are simply edited to become somewhat 'tileable'...other than that they are simply mapped at high resolution on a planar surface..
How did you make the runway, taxiway and apron textures so sharp?

I'm currently working on scenery for my local city airport; Leicester EGBG for FS2004.

I have the aerial image on and know how to match it with the AFCAD etc, I have done all my modelling but I only need to do sharp textures now for the 3 asphalt runways and 3 grass runways, 4 buildings and the grass within the airport boundaries.

So the only thing I need help with now, is the extrememly sharp texturing.

I have seen many threads on this topic, but none of them seem to give me a clear example.

that's because there probably is no such effect that would give a realistic sharpness :D

what you need first is a good asphalt texture. just go outside and point your camera to the road.....:D

you can use some image editing software (e.g. photoshop) and try to make it as seamless as possible. I then usually use the smart sharpen tool in photoshop to increase sharpness a bit and then increase contranst slightly to get the asphalt depth effect. All these effects however would need a good texture to begin with. they do nothing themselves if applied on a bad texture.

taxiways are themselves using high resolution texture mapped several times. the sharpness effect comes mostly from the underlying polygons since the taxilines are transparent themselves...

hope this helps
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