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General Purpose ScenProc Script

Hey guys, I have added support for Ortho4XP for fsx/p3d, and have recently added integration with ScenProc to add autogen to the generated scenery (https://github.com/stackTom/Ortho4XP_FSX_P3D). The scenproc integration is still in beta (available under the ScenProc branch of my repository), and bugs are probably there, so use at your own risk :).

Does anyone have a good, general purpose scenproc script file they'd be willing to share? One that gives a decent amount of buildings/vegetation for a decently large amount of areas around the globe, or am I being too optimistic? The default scenproc file I currently provide isn't doing it for me as it produces too little buildings (I got it from a friend) and I am a newbie at using ScenProc and all of it's parameters. Link to current file I provide: https://github.com/stackTom/Ortho4XP_FSX_P3D/blob/ScenProc/ScenProc_configs/default.spc

Your script doesn't look too bad if you want something that works on any area of the world based on OSM data. It has some steps in there that are not really used, so you can simplify it a bit more:

#creation de la vegetation
CreateAGNPolyVeg|FTYPE="POLYGON" And landuse="forest"|{0053b63d-b2c0-4bd9-9853-d9d21c9ad1fa}
CreateAGNPolyVeg|FTYPE="POLYGON" And natural="scrub"|{2fde0277-1697-4dab-b481-c3985c80596f}
CREATEAGNPOLYVEG|FTYPE="POLYGON" And landuse="orchard"|{56a4998d-c1e5-416c-a37b-c35ce16504b6}
CREATEAGNPOLYVEG|FTYPE="POLYGON" And landuse="conservation"|{bc6396b0-6e51-4a4f-ab4f-5386c84609a6}
CREATEAGNPOLYVEG|FTYPE="POLYGON" And natural="wood"|{dcf543b7-c0d5-4fd4-b970-83965c2911c9}
CREATEAGNPOLYVEG|FTYPE="POLYGON" And leisure="nature_reserve"|{82f0282d-f82d-484c-a640-aac21a69be03}
CREATEAGNPOLYVEG|FTYPE="POLYGON" And leisure="garden"|{2368c260-177d-4af7-94d4-da882778108f}
CREATEAGNPOLYVEG|FTYPE="POLYGON" And natural="tree"|{7dc6ef4e-92a5-4d0d-b94b-212dd1fa936d}
CREATEAGNPOLYVEG|FTYPE="POLYGON" And natural="tree_row"|{a4a30975-075c-49ec-87fb-7e0931cb5004}
CREATEAGNPOLYVEG|FTYPE="POLYGON" And natural="wetland"|{89ed8548-e54f-40ef-9837-7653885d409c}
CREATEAGNPOLYVEG|FTYPE="POLYGON" And leisure="park"|{e04669c0-9f7b-42e8-a2c7-eee870c59d8e}
CREATEAGNPOLYVEG|FTYPE="POLYGON" And leisure="golf"|{2fbf9f8d-6ba2-4cc1-8d8e-af218f65d0e8}
# Add attribute to indicate the type of building
AddAttribute|FTYPE="POLYGON" And building="*"|Integer;BUILDTYPE|5
AddAttribute|FTYPE="POLYGON" And building="*" And BUILDTYPE=5 And FAREARAT>0.80|Integer;BUILDTYPE|1
AddAttribute|FTYPE="POLYGON" And building="*" And BUILDTYPE=5 And FCONVEX=1|Integer;BUILDTYPE|4
# Remove complex buildings
# Create buildings autogen
CreateAGNGenBuild|building="*" And FWIDTH<20|{5ae04eb6-934c-4f63-bb48-5e7dee601212}|MAXRATIO=2
CreateAGNGenBuild|building="*" And FWIDTH>20|{6089A0BD-CED1-4c47-9A9E-64CDD0E16983}

If this script does not give you enough buildings, are you sure that area has enough builidngs in OSM?
Autogen buildings are rectangular, so the scripts filters out weird shapes that are not rectangular or can be split in a few rectangles. You could tune those rules a bit.

If you look at the log file you get an idea how many are filtered out.
I ´ve tried the Code above. Everything looks fine, exept higher Buildings (Churches or Power Stations with Cooler). They look a little bit decompressed. I found Chapter 5.7 in the manual and made some changes in the Script to get higher Buildings.
As I´m a Newbie to this I´ve got the Error: urban_area is not a valid filter string. Can somebody point me in the right direction ?


  • sp-forumV2.txt
    2.4 KB · Views: 399

In a filter you need to specify a condition. Area_urban is only a attribute name, so you need to add a condition as well.
Thanks for your fast Reply. I´ve added a condition now (Attached File). But the Buildings are still small. To save time (One Tile needs about 8 Hours at Full Speed on my 7700k to compute) I took the old bgl files with the new agn files. Does ScenProc affect both files or only one of them ? I Couldn´t find it in the manual. Thanks for your help.


  • sp-forumV2.txt
    2.4 KB · Views: 348

Are you sure your data actually contains polygons for urban areas that have an attribute named building and a value of urban_area?

Check OSM I think residential="urban" is more likely what you are looking for.

Your script only saves AGN files, so it does nothing with BGL files.
I took urban_area from the manual. Never checked osm - Wiki.
What is the meaning of this warning: More batch variables provided than expected, only 1 will be used


  • sp-forumV4.txt
    2.4 KB · Views: 377
I would have to check where that warning comes from. You run the script in batch mode I guess?
That warning means that you provide more variable when you start up scenProc on the command prompt than the script is actually using. So it's warning you that some are not being used.
Hello, I would like to come back to this discussion. I have been using this updated script and I have had some good results, unlike the default script for Ortho4P3D, which just gave me an empty texture folder without .agn files.
Now the problem with this script is the following, it used to work well, but now it is taking hours and hours just for one tile. It finishes and then repeats. This can happen 4-5 times in a row. It didn't do this the first time, and took like 20 minutes. There are new .agn files appearing though after the 4th time, and sometimes the 2nd and 3rd times give no new. agn files, what is the logic behind this and is there a way to just limit to a single time which gives all the .agn files? Sometimes this script will take like 5 runs (each run taking up to one hour) in a desert area, giving nothing at all. Shouldn't it know that in advance? Looking forward to hear more about this.

scenproc can only run a script once. So when you say it runs multiple times something else must do that.
Hi. I ended up here based on OP's Ortho4XP adaption for P3D. I have version 4 and seem to be stuck on something.

Kind of went through some steps here; when I launch scenProc I see this in the log window

10:51 AM    CreateTVecAirportBound    Warning        Failed to read terrain.cfg
10:51 AM    CreateTVecExclusion    Warning        Failed to read terrain.cfg
10:51 AM    CreateTVecPark    Warning        Failed to read terrain.cfg
10:51 AM    CreateTVecRailroad    Warning        Failed to read terrain.cfg
10:51 AM    CreateTVecRoad    Warning        Failed to read terrain.cfg
10:51 AM    CreateTVecRoad    Warning        Failed to read terrain.cfg
10:51 AM    CreateTVecShoreline    Warning        Failed to read terrain.cfg
10:51 AM    CreateTVecStream    Warning        Failed to read terrain.cfg
10:51 AM    CreateTVecUtility    Warning        Failed to read terrain.cfg
10:51 AM    CreateTVecWaterPoly    Warning        Failed to read terrain.cfg

I used both kjii's original script (above) and the one posted arno.

When I run through I get about 662 .agn files in my 'texture' folder.

I add scenery to my world; load up; and I get the ortho texture but zero autogen. All I see is airport buildings and that is all -- my autogen settings are maxed out.

Are the errors 'terrain.cfg' causing the problem?

Thanks for help!

No, those warnings are only related with the code completion inside scenproc.

How does your event log look when you make the autogen?
Where do I find log and which one? scenProc log or Ortho log?

Sorry I'm newbie to P3D side of this.
The scenproc log, it is shown at the bottom of the screen when you run your script.