Guys thanks so much for this thread. Coming from the days of ProjectAI in FS2002-FS2004 I've been wanting to build up the fleet of default AI aircraft in various real world airline registrations such as QANTAS' fleet etc.
Beyond that I have been bugged that the custom registration I choose for one aircraft type gets pushed over to all other aircraft I use, and I am thankful for the C152 Aerobat which has the same paint scheme as Art Scholl's 152 in "
Iron Eagle" and my friend's movie "Unidentified"
as well as another movies such as "
Miracle Landing", "
Storm Catcher" and "
The Zone".
So to make things simple, if you have a default paint scheme in MSFS, it's super simple to generate a permanent registration number list.
So I created my repaint folder:
C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\Community\deanmountford-livery-C150MAero-N9828J
Inside that folder I created the following folders:
C:\Users\EagleFlix\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\Community\deanmountford-livery-C150MAero-N9828J\SimObjects\Airplanes\Asobo_C150M_Aerobat_9828J
in that folder is my aircraft.cfg:
major = 1
minor = 0
base_container = "..\Asobo_C152_Aerobat
;===================== FLTSIM =====================
title = "Cessna 150M Aerobat N9828J" ; Variation name
model = "" ; model folder
panel = "" ; panel folder
sound = "" ; sound folder
texture = "" ; texture folder
kb_checklists = "" ; Procedures/Checklist sibling file name
kb_reference = "" ; Reference information sibling file name
description = "TT:AIRCRAFT.DESCRIPTION" ; Variation description.
wip_indicator = 0 ; know if the variation is good to go or still WIP : -1=Disabled, 0=Rough, 1=1st Pass, 2=Finished
ui_manufacturer = "TT:AIRCRAFT.UI_MANUFACTURER" ; e.g. Boeing, Cessna
ui_type = "TT:AIRCRAFT.UI_MODEL" ; e.g. 747-400, 172
ui_variation = "TT:Art Scholl A150M Aerobat" ; e.g. World Air, IFR Panel
ui_typerole = "Single Engine Prop" ; e.g. Single Engine Prop, Twin Engine Prop, Rotorcraft, etc
ui_createdby = "Dean Mountford" ; e.g. Asobo Studio, Microsoft, FSAddonCompany, etc
ui_thumbnailfile = "" ; app relative path to ThumbNail image file
ui_certified_ceiling = 14700 ; service ceiling / max certified operating altitude (ft)
ui_max_range = 415 ; max distance the aircraft can fly between take-off and landing in (NM)
ui_autonomy = 5 ; max duration the aircraft can fly between take-off and landing in (Hrs)
ui_fuel_burn_rate = 40 ; average fuel consumption per hour (lbs/hr) - reminder: fuel density is ~6.7lbs per US gallon
atc_id = "N9828J" ; tail numberces
atc_id_enable = 1 ; enable tail number
atc_airline = "" ; airline name
atc_flight_number = "" ; flight number
atc_heavy = 0 ; heavy?
atc_parking_types = "RAMP" ; "ANY" / "RAMP" / "CARGO" / "MIL_CARGO" / "MIL_COMBAT" / "GATE" / "DOCK"
atc_parking_codes = "" ; Comma separated and may be as small as one character each
atc_id_color = "#FFFFFF" ; color for the tail number : i.e. "#ffff00ff"
atc_id_font = "" ; font for the tail number
isAirTraffic = 0 ; Is the plane usable for air traffic
isUserSelectable = 1 ; Is the plane selectable by the user
In the base folder:
C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\Community\deanmountford-livery-C150MAero-N9828J
I have my manifest.json:
"dependencies": [],
"content_type": "AIRCRAFT",
"title": "Cessna 150M Aerobat N9828J",
"manufacturer": "Textron Aviation",
"creator": "Dean Mountford",
"package_version": "0.1.0",
"minimum_game_version": "1.7.12",
"release_notes": {
"neutral": {
"LastUpdate": "",
"OlderHistory": ""
and the layout.json which was generated by creating a blank text file with the same name and dropping it onto MSFSLayoutGenerator.exe which is available for download at GitHub , simply drop the blank layout.json onto the .exe:
"content": [
"path": "SimObjects/Airplanes/Asobo_C150M_Aerobat_9828J/aircraft.cfg",
"size": 2064,
"date": 133167839862969646
Note the size = the size of the aircraft.cfg file in bytes, the date is computer code date and I just let the .exe generate it.
EDIT: So I'm trying to match the aircraft registration font and color, and to do that means copying in the panel folder from the default aircraft and naming it panel.9828J
Then editing the panel.cfg line from:
size_mm = 1024, 256
texture = $RegistrationNumber
location = exterior
painting00=Registration/Registration.html?font_color=black, 0, 0, 1024, 256
size_mm = 1024, 256
texture = $RegistrationNumber
location = exterior
painting00=Registration/Registration.html?font_color=white, 0, 0, 1024, 256
which changes the empennage font to white (note the lines in the aircraft.cfg don't change font type or color), but the under wing is still black and I'd like to turn it off completely to match Art's C150M. So I'll have to dig deeper to find out if there is a line for that for "location = "
Next will be changing the actual font type and there's some tips from BilingualHarp7 at
Was able to generate the font and colors, there's some limitations with the whole system so I may need to go do a hand repaint of the aircraft to get as close as possible on the registration.