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I cancelled and tried again and yup took about 3-5 minutes. Thanks for that. I was wondering how people did bigger scale projects if my little one was taking all that time! haha.Something must be wrong - I did a 5x4 (also 4096px) and it didn't take more than 5 minutes. Zoom level 20.
I'm looking into that, since when you export the TIF images from Ortho4XP, they actually have the cordinates for where to go, same goes for using the SbuilderX solution.
I unfortunately don't have alot of experience with QGIS so Im almost as lost as you guys sometimes haha.
If it helps, you can select a different reference map. Take a look at the newest version of the guide. v1.1, where i mention this. It is attached to the first post of this thread
Meanwhile I created aerial sceneries (for personal use only, due to google origin) for several German military Airports which are not in FS2020. Compilation in the SDK gernerates a package containing a CGL file for each of them.
ETNT, located in the north of Germay, has "sai201.cgl"
ETSN, located in the south of Germay, has "sai221.cgl"
ETSB, ETHF, EDSS (Zellhausen Glider Site), and EDLP (Paderborn, Aerosoft Freeware), all these located somewhere in the middle of Germany, have "sai203.cgl".
Multiple aerial sceneries with the same CGL name generate a conflict in the community folder. This conflict results in not showing the aerial in the Sim or in a nerver ending loading process.
I tried to rename the CGLs to unique names, also the reference in the .json file. No success, After renaming the aerial didn't show up.
Up to now I did not recognize a kind of 'rule' according to which the compiler determins the CGL name.
Any Ideas?
Next I'll try will be Stuttgart.
EDDS Stuttgart has the same CGL name as ETSN Neuburg. Seems there are only a handfull CGL names for Germany.I am having exactly the same issue.
Hoping that Asobo will find a solution for that.
Already reported a long time ago. Asobo will add this to their to-do list, but no one knows when it will be fixed.Is Asobo aware of that? Who will tell them?
Does anyone have an idea how much the average time to compile the final XYZ tiles takes? I am doing a 4x3 (4096x4096 each tile) sized render and its has been "processing algorithm" for over 12 hours now and its only at 37% is this usual?
I ended up cancelling the inital compile and re did just that part and bam done in about 3 mintues. It was ZL19 though. For some reason the first time I did it the program tried doing ZL, 19,20,21,22,23 and thats what took forever, even though I only had 19 as max and min.I had that happen as well, not sure why but zoom 21 took several days and got to 1TB before I canceled, it was only for a small airport area too.
EDDS Stuttgart has the same CGL name as ETSN Neuburg. Seems there are only a handfull CGL names for Germany.
Is Asobo aware of that? Who will tell them?
I cannot get my scenery to show up in MSFS. I had no problems creating an image with Ortho, geo referencing with QGIS or using tiles2bing. Its seems to be compiling fine. Even if I put it in the SimpleAerial project and build it, it still doesn’t show up.
Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks
Sounds like a borked image file. If there's a corrupted image or one missing it can cause issues, also how many tiles did it generate? If there's too many tiles it will choke and not display in sim20. I tried with 19 also, and that didn't work either