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MSFS20 has beacon


Staff member
Resource contributor
You might have noticed that there is an option in the object properties for 'has beacon'. This beacon is a bright disk, constant turned to face the viewer, that has some characteristics like military or sea base... The problem is it always shows at the exact same height when attached. 31 meters.

My solution is to make a dummy library object, attach the beacon, and subtract 31 meters from the placement altitude. Then I can put one wherever I want.

    <!--SceneryObject name: rhumba_dummy (Beacon)-->
    <SceneryObject lat="42.62942143728868" lon="-88.60285952615611" alt="-31.0" pitch="0.000000" bank="0.000000" heading="-179.999995" imageComplexity="VERY_SPARSE" altitudeIsAgl="TRUE" snapToGround="FALSE" snapToNormal="FALSE">
        <LibraryObject name="{188F9549-BCB3-497E-BF58-199917786EFA}" scale="1.000000"/>
        <AttachedObject attachpointName="point" instanceId="{CC17F1B5-9ACB-4244-8922-E58868D076F1}" pitch="0.000000" bank="0.000000" heading="0.000000">
            <Beacon type="CIVILIAN" baseType="SEA_BASE"/>

The above code puts it a ground level, with the dummy buried 31 meters underground.

Attached is the dummy gltf code.


  • rhumba_dummy.zip
    954 bytes · Views: 302
Types and bases of beacons:

<xs:simpleType name="stBeaconType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="CIVILIAN"/>
<xs:enumeration value="MILITARY"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CANADIAN"/>

<xs:simpleType name="stBeaconBase">
<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
<xs:enumeration value="AIRPORT"/>
<xs:enumeration value="SEA_BASE"/>
<xs:enumeration value="HELIPORT"/>
It seems to be working fine. There are nine different beacons green white or yellow white flashing slower or faster. A similar and more simple addition from ASOBO for steady lights (i.e. red hazard lights) would be great...
I am trying to figure out how to do this now, I am editing an airport and the beacon is right where a building is supposed to be, I know how to get rid of the beacon and add one, is this what I need to get it to flash like the one I’m removing? And how would I use the code? I am very new at this
I use your tip on my lighthouses and they now have flashing lignts, but they start to flash only if I am very very close then they flash afar...
I am in the process of adding a light to my lighthouses. As Blender's rotating fire is only visible for a mile I use the editor's "has beacon" function instead. I use a cube and attach the effect to it. I name the attachment point according to the lighthouse and the editor assigns a different GUI for each effect, and substract 31 m to the cube's position. My scene covers the river, the estuary and the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
Since I am using the same cube, then all the cubes have the same GUI.
It works for several lighthouses but not for others. I added the effect in the same way for all the lighthouses. So I don't see why it works for some but not for others.
A colleague pointed out that the cubes all have the same GUI. Is there a limit on the number of objects with the same GUI to integrate into a scene?
Others ideas, cues...?
Thank you.
AFAIK, you may be referring to "InstanceId" for a Visual Effect XML definition block ? :scratchch

Assuming a non-rotating "Cube" is an attached 3D model with an attached Visual Effect, the 'Cube' may also have its own GUID:

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I try a new cube with its own GUID (yes GUID instead of GUI) and it not works. Very strange issue.

Since the last FS20 update several users have CTDs near my lighthouses which have the "has beacon" light effect. I don't have these CTDs so I can't reproduce the problem.

Anyone else having this problem with their lighthouses with "has beacon" light effect?

Is there a known solution?

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Would someone PLEASE explain this in a "laymans" terms? How about a step-by-step procedure to accomplish this? I DO understand that there are 100% newbies who have no experience, and that is almost impossible to explain in detail, but there are those (like me) who have some or a lot of experience and can follow directions to the letter. But "we" are not experienced enough to follow piecemeal instructions.

Also, does this "has beacon" actually have a beacon model? Or do we have to create one? Let's say I'm attempting to put a beacon on a tower. Is there already a beacon I can use or do I have to go through the steps above?

Thanks in advance,

You might have noticed that there is an option in the object properties for 'has beacon'. This beacon is a bright disk, constant turned to face the viewer, that has some characteristics like military or sea base... The problem is it always shows at the exact same height when attached. 31 meters.

My solution is to make a dummy library object, attach the beacon, and subtract 31 meters from the placement altitude. Then I can put one wherever I want.

    <!--SceneryObject name: rhumba_dummy (Beacon)-->
    <SceneryObject lat="42.62942143728868" lon="-88.60285952615611" alt="-31.0" pitch="0.000000" bank="0.000000" heading="-179.999995" imageComplexity="VERY_SPARSE" altitudeIsAgl="TRUE" snapToGround="FALSE" snapToNormal="FALSE">
        <LibraryObject name="{188F9549-BCB3-497E-BF58-199917786EFA}" scale="1.000000"/>
        <AttachedObject attachpointName="point" instanceId="{CC17F1B5-9ACB-4244-8922-E58868D076F1}" pitch="0.000000" bank="0.000000" heading="0.000000">
            <Beacon type="CIVILIAN" baseType="SEA_BASE"/>

The above code puts it a ground level, with the dummy buried 31 meters underground.

Attached is the dummy gltf code.
Nice, clever catch; I'm gonna try this!