Hi again:
While looking for detailed tutorials on how to add islands with 'elevated terrain' that do not exist in FS9 default scenery within otherwise 'all water' areas, I discovered this "worked example" by Scott Smart:
FS9 "
Coastlines and Mesh" thread (with Scott Smart Robinson Crusoe Island Tutorial) - The FS2004 FS9 Forum - The AVSIM Community:
Download package:
SCIR Isla Robinson Crusoe Chile
File Description:
Terrain and Mesh for Robinson Crusoe Island and Selkirk Island, including the airport SCIR (Robinson Crusoe). Robinson Crusoe Island is located west of Santiago, Chile at approximately S33-40/W78-50. It is about 2.5 hours flying time from Santiago(SCEL).
Filename: scir_robinson_crusoe.zip
License: Freeware, limited distribution
Added: 23rd October 2011, 14:08:29
Downloads: 903
Author: Scott Smart
Size: 9382kb
Also, some incidental info on 'VTP Layer Numbers' to use for shorelines in FS9:
Additional info on VTP layers and minimum extent for mapping land class tiles to be displayed:
Some "
Island" search hits at PTSIM:
You may wish to review some of the concepts and terminology for working with FS terrain scenery (especially for projects involving use of the legacy FS2Kx SDK) in this tutorial:
Ground2K for Beginners - Newly revised for Ground2K version 4 by Luis Feliz-Tirado
Additionally, I found this thread in the "official" SBuilder support forum:
Norman's thread on "
Changing a small bit of Alaskan Coastline"
Although this mini-tutorial deals with
SBuilderX and
FSX methods that involve clipping content to LOD-9 (aka "QMID-11") quad boundaries, the concepts in
SBuilder for FS9 are somewhat similar, and IIRC involves clipping content to (4) adjacent LOD-13 (aka "QMID-15") quad boundaries instead ...due to the differing LOD-8 "Cell" terrain tile granularity for mapping of LWM and VTP quad tiles versus land class to be blended at run time in FS2004:
See especially the linked Adobe "Shockwave Flash" demo video that SBuilder author Luis Sa' made (playable in MS Internet Explorer and/or another 'media player' type of utility):
Generally speaking, one must "
Remove and Replace" existing local scenery content.
The local FS9 default water poly(s) must be excluded, and replaced with 1 or more legacy vector polygon(s) that define only the
edges of the new island shoreline in LOD-13 sized segments, rather than covering entire LOD-8 terrain cell(s) with 1 or more larger objects.
One can define the shorelines as poly-lines with mapped custom or default textures, and can optionally map coastal 'wave action controller Effects' to those shorelines as well.
In addition to placing your custom 'fictional' terrain mesh within those quad areas, you may need to place a land class polygon under the island water polygon "hole" so that FS renders a textured
and hardened land surface there.
You can also place a polygon mapped with a custom VTP texture over that land area as well.
Hope this helps you get farther along.
PS: I still plan to look further at which, if any,
Wilbur file outputs might be utilized to make Geo-referenced custom terrain mesh source files for FS2Kx SDK Resample when I have some more available time.