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how do I write in the filter of CreatAGNGenBuild to create autogen objects

In the last step, how do I write in the filter of CreatAGNGenBuild to create autogen objects? All the above steps can be created, except for the last step, 0 are created
Can you show the event log output from running the script?

I see for the autogen step that you filter on BUILD TYPE is 3 as well, are you sure the features have that attribute? Or to ask differently why did you add that condition to your filter? What you want to achieve with it?
Can you show the event log output from running the script?

I see for the autogen step that you filter on BUILD TYPE is 3 as well, are you sure the features have that attribute? Or to ask differently why did you add that condition to your filter? What you want to achieve with it?

At the very end of the eighth line of my code I set a 3, and then I felt that in the last line of the filter I could set the building type of the third class to what I wanted
Yes, and can you show the part of the log higher up where the BUILDTYPE attribute is assigned? It might be value is never assigned.
The filename you mention in the FROMFILE attribute is different in the step that creates the AGN buildings than in the steps where you assign the BUILDTYPE attributes. Are you importing from multiple files?

If you only load data from 1 SHP file, there is no need to use the FROMFILE attribute to check from which file they come.
The filename you mention in the FROMFILE attribute is different in the step that creates the AGN buildings than in the steps where you assign the BUILDTYPE attributes. Are you importing from multiple files?

If you only load data from 1 SHP file, there is no need to use the FROMFILE attribute to check from which file they come.
I just changed the shp file to a new one, but when I createAGNGenBuild it still doesn't create the file
Can you show the entire script and the log again that you are using now?
Do you mean the amount of floors with small? I see that you set the heights to taller buildings in your script already. But in FS it also depends on the footprint size, smaller footprints give buildings with less height.