• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

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    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

How to read RPN and convert to C++ code lines

I need to send this RPN code as standard C++ code lines in my WASM as there is no SimConnect Event for it.

I have difficulties of reading and understand these lines in order to convert to C++ code

Screenshot 2021-03-02 134501.png
Use Infix2Postfix program from SDK, option PostFix to Infix. Should translate it in almost "readable" format.

Thanks for guiding me to Infix2Postfix.

This is what I get after the conversion, but the lines in bold below I still do not understand

{ (K:AP_APR_HOLD_ON) = result ;
(K:AP_APR_HOLD_OFF) = result ;
if ( ( ! (A:AUTOPILOT DISENGAGED , Bool) ) and 1 )
if ( 1 != 2 )
(L:XMLVAR_Autopilot_1_Status) = 0 ;
if ( 2 != 2 )
(L:XMLVAR_Autopilot_2_Status) = 0 ;


(L:XMLVAR_Autopilot_2_Status) = ( ! (L:XMLVAR_Autopilot_2_Status) ) ;

if ( ( (L:XMLVAR_Autopilot_1_Status) or (L:XMLVAR_Autopilot_2_Status) ) != (A:AUTOPILOT MASTER , Bool) )
(K:AP_MASTER) = result ;

if ( ! (A:AUTOPILOT MASTER , Bool) )
(L:XMLVAR_Autopilot_2_Status) = 0 ;
maybe like this
    // put not (L:XMLVAR_Autopilot_2_Status) into (L:XMLVAR_Autopilot_2_Status)
    (L:XMLVAR_Autopilot_2_Status) = ( ! (L:XMLVAR_Autopilot_2_Status) ) ;

    if ( ( (L:XMLVAR_Autopilot_1_Status) or (L:XMLVAR_Autopilot_2_Status) ) != (A:AUTOPILOT MASTER , Bool) )
        (K:AP_MASTER) = result ;
        if ( ! (A:AUTOPILOT MASTER , Bool) )
            (L:XMLVAR_Autopilot_2_Status) = 0 ;
Your original XML code was "computer generated" so it has a few quirks (even though it is probably correct) and the rpn -> infix has faithfully converted those quirks. I.e.

1 2 != if{ .... }


if (1 != 2) { ... }

and (1 != 2) is ALWAYS true so it's

if (true) { ... }



Similarly a condition ( XXX and 1 ) is simply (XXX).