I do not work on aircraft in MSFS (yet), but AFAIK, there is a way to do what you want in MSFS with aircraft, albeit as a very early W.I.P.
There are a few aircraft that utilize the very early new Effects / Fx available via the MSFS SDK Visual Effects methods:
MSFS SDK Visual Effects
MSFS Fx I have seen thus far look like FX from FS 2002 / FS 2002 displayed in FSX without having yet been re-written / optimized for FSX.
Fx rendering is limited in Particle Density, 'FPS stutters' are seen, duration is short / cyclic, drift via Temperature attributes are wimpy etc.
IMHO Asobo has a fundamental misunderstanding of how well Fx (can) work via Windows DirectX sub-system (even old DirectX versions).
I should think that DX-12 would make Fx rendering even more FPS efficient and feature rich visually.
To be fair, ACES, prior to their termination in 2010 admitted FS' Visual Effects / Special Effects SDK was "a mess" needing a re-working.
Asobo is doing a good- but
very slow- job re-working all the FS SDK to make it more logical, accessible, and (eventually ?) easier to use.
But, "
necessity is the mother of invention" (...or was it: "
child is father to the man" ?

), so the W.I.P continues on MSFS' Fx rendering.
Personally, I shall watch and wait a while longer before I invest any time coding MSFS FX, only to get such a bad-looking result on screen.