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MSFS20 Is there PBR comp textures tutorial for MSFS using photoshop

Hi all,

I am struggling to get my head around creating comp textures for MSFS using photoshop using the RGB channels for AO,Roughness,Metalness.

Does anyone know of a tutorial document or video? All the PBR videos I have found so far do not seem to fit what I need.


Where specifically have you looked or having difficulty? All PBR components (AO, Roughness, Metalness) are the same. The only difference is where and how they are placed within the COMP, It appears you have the information on what component goes where.

If it is "how" to place them in there proper channels within the COMP with Photoshop, then I can suggest a tutorial. "PS: Creating AO" for photoshop within the Resources area at this site. The only problem with it is the placement of the different maps in their proper channel (such as Prepar3D v4.5 through v5.1 compared to MSFS), but the "how" is the same.
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In a nutshell, you create each of your three comp layers in a separate greyscale psd file, and then you go from here:
Mode should be RGB. Make sure to assign your greyscale images to the output channels in the correct order.
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In a nutshell, you create each of your three comp layers in a separate greyscale psd file, and then you go from here:
Mode should be RGB. Make sure to assign your greyscale images to the output channels in the correct order.
Thankyou, I think you have put me on the right track.

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I wrote down these steps. I'm a newbie and I think this is right:) Correct me if I'm missing something.

How to create PBR Comp file in Photoshop for Blender

- if you have your AO, Roughness, Metalness each in a layer in photoshop......
- save each image into separate .psd files ( AO, Roughness, Metalness)
one at a time, select image and make it the only layer visible, then -> file->scripts->export layers to file
make sure "visible layers only" is checked, name and save (if you don't make sure "visible layers only" is checked, it will output
all your layers and if you have a lot, it will be a mess!
- you should have 3 .psd files for AO, Roughness, Metalness
- open all 3 files in photoshop as separate images
- change all to grayscale image->mode->grayscale
- also flatten the 3 images if not already (important) Layer->Flatten Image
- click on channels to view channels
- in the dropdown select merge channels (should be to the right of
the channels menu (four lines)
- run through the process and select the AO for the first channel, then Roughness and
- Finally change to RGB image->mode->rgb color
- save as a .png file with the name "name_COMP.png" with name being whatever you want to
call it.
If you install ImageMagick you can even make this a one-liner on the command line:
convert ao.png metal.png rough.png -combine comp.png

I use this a lot for textures from texture.com oder cc0textures.
I agree, @sleepy_t, ImageMagick makes this dead easy. In your example, though, I think you may have metal and rough reversed. The correct order is R=ao, G=rough, B=metal. I think that IM reads the input files in RGB order by default.
If you install ImageMagick you can even make this a one-liner on the command line:
convert ao.png metal.png rough.png -combine comp.png

I use this a lot for textures from texture.com oder cc0textures.
Man you made my day, my month and my year.
For clarity to everyone, this is how I´ve used ImageMagick tool in Windows

Does this work for making straight Photoshop comp files without blender? My metal textures turn white at night and I can not find the cause. The look amazing during the daylight. I am using RGB 8 bit and export to DTX5 DDS. My metalness and roughness are in their correct channels.
Does this work for making straight Photoshop comp files without blender? My metal textures turn white at night and I can not find the cause. The look amazing during the daylight. I am using RGB 8 bit and export to DTX5 DDS. My metalness and roughness are in their correct channels.

You are mixing them up :)

You can do your stuff in Blender, AND PLEASE BAKE TEXTURES else small airfields are huge in size, then you combined the texture as shown above in Photoshop or Gimp, finally you can open them in Blender and export.