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MSFS20 Isolated parking, is there a way to "reserve" a parking spot?

Is there a way to "reserve" a parking spot in such that NO AI aircraft will park or spawn on it, and yet I can use it as a parking spot to start my flight? I'm "fixing" KGNV and want one spot to always be available if I start at the airport, or start somewhere else and I want that spot to always remain empty.

I've tried removing taxi links, (did not make any difference), I've also reduced the parking spot to a radius of 1 hoping to keep everything out of it. That did not work either.

ALSO, if I only wanted commercial jets to park at these spots, (NO GA AIRCRAFT of ANY kind!) is there a specific radius / type combination I can use? Nothing bigger or smaller than a 737 is my goal.

Can this be done?

Thanks all!

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Is there a way to "reserve" a parking spot in such that NO AI aircraft will park or spawn on it, and yet I can use it as a parking spot to start my flight? I'm "fixing" KGNV and want one spot to always be available if I start at the airport, or start somewhere else and I want that spot to always remain empty.
You may try to double-click on the gate/parking you wish to work on, and, in the "Attributes" section, "AirlineCodes" check box put a string of "XXX" as airline codes, for example : "XXX, XXX, XXX, XXX". It should prevent other aircrafts to spawn on and/or go on it. It should work if you have enough parking elsewhere to cope with the airport traffic. You should not reduce the radius otherwise your aircraft won't park there.

ALSO, if I only wanted commercial jets to park at these spots, (NO GA AIRCRAFT of ANY kind!) is there a specific radius / type combination I can use? Nothing bigger or smaller than a 737 is my goal.
Parking should have a 18 meters radius maximum with a "GATE"/GATE_SMALL attributes. If the parking is not with a jetway, then keep it with a GATE status *but* stairs won't be available. Again you can put airline codes such as DAL or AAL to force an airline to go there. The radius size prevents bigger aircrafts to go there but not the smaller ones. For the latters the airline code shall be the only solution.
I'm using ADE but I believe it's almost the same thing with the MSFS SDK.


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Thanks "X" for your reply! I'm using Developer mode specifically, and I think I put DAL on the parking space, but don't remember. (It'll be awhile before I can get back to it). I'm also a bit frustrated that sometimes business jets will park in the other spaces at the terminal where ONLY commercial carriers should go. I'm wondering if there is a "code" for JUST airliners in general. I'll have to look.

Thanks again!
