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MSFS20 Jena City for the MSFS

Christian Bahr

Resource contributor
Hi, i would like to introduce you to one of my projects :)

This is the City of Jena, located in Thuringia in East Germany. The scenery will only contain landmarks, processing using an orthophoto does not seem necessary.


The city museum in Jena, it has an animated banner


The TEAG heating power plant is located in the south of Jena

The special feature of the scenery is the picture exhibition by Dirk Witten in the Jena town hall ...


There are also animated people here, the Bahrometrix Living people. They look at the artistic pictures with interest


The imposing city church in the city center. Who wouldn't want to pay a visit there? :)


The planetarium


The JenTower was sponsored by Orbx. Thank you very much for that!

A few minor fixes are still missing. And then it goes straight to the manual and the installer. Later more .. :)

The scenery is ready and it has been published. As usual with all Bahrometrix downloads, access to the add-on is freely accessible - it is barrier-free. Prior mandatory registration is not required

Download Link: Bahrometrix - Jena City v1.00

- Full-fledged PBR add-on
- Building of the city of Jena
- Bahrometrix Living People
- Environment occluder

Special feature
- Picture exhibition "The Ruhr area" in the town hall

The pictures of the picture exhibition in the town hall are provided by photographer Dirk Witten and the JenTower comes from ORBX. Thank you for providing the material!

Screenshot (939).jpg





Great work Christian. It shows that placing the most important and eye catching POIs within a city makes it instantly recognizable and IMHO it looks even better than the photogrammetry cities (because it lacks their downsides like slow loading times, deformed lumps of trees and cars and washed out grey-brownish textures). I´d love to see your southern german airfields in MSFS, too.
Great work Christian. It shows that placing the most important and eye catching POIs within a city makes it instantly recognizable and IMHO it looks even better than the photogrammetry cities (because it lacks their downsides like slow loading times, deformed lumps of trees and cars and washed out grey-brownish textures). I´d love to see your southern german airfields in MSFS, too.
Many Thanks! I'm working on another project in parallel: Approaching Dortmund. It includes the EDLW airport, the Hengsen-Opherdicke airfield and the Dortmund city area with its many sights. Later, when the Dortmund scenery has been published, Nannhausen and Bottenhorn will also be developed for the MSFS :)
If we are talking about this one:
Then yes :D
If we are talking about this one:
Then yes :D
So purely from looking at the pictures, I would assume there are two different JenTower :scratchch

Yours looks really great, job well done! :)
I would like to know if the art museum will change the exhibitions on a regular basis?;)
We also asked ourselves the question, it is actually possible without further ado. It's just the time that is missing, maybe in a later update.
The current Dortmund project is calling. That has priority :)