Hi Obie:
Perhaps your ADE background image of ICAO 37AR - Ponca, Arkansas may have had the Geographic coordinates entered incorrectly ?
As you may know, ICAO
37AR - Ponca, Arkansas is
not in the P3Dv4.x airport database.
However, ICAO:
KPNC Ponca City, in Kay County, Oklahoma
is in the P3Dv4.x airport database.
Here is an excerpt of an older post on how to make a background map for ADE via SBuilderX: (
Regarding work with ADE)
Use a
warped "Geographic" Lat-Lon projection / WGS84 datum (aka "
EPSG:4326") GIS format for FS2Kx SDK '
terrain' compilers.
NOTE: After source data submitted to FS2Kx SDK terrain compilers is compiled to BGL, FS' run time rendering engine "un-warps" that data and maps it onto terrain grid vertices of local 3D world ground tiles according to where those tiles are positioned in the FS spheroid 3D world model.
Regarding work with ADE:
If 3D modeling or designing airport facilities 2D objects by tracing background imagery, use a
non-warped Pseudo-Mercator projection / WGS84 datum (aka "
EPSG:3857") GIS format for that imagery, (thus also FS' 2D/3D object source code) ...if submitting data to FS2Kx SDK '
airport' / 3D compilers.
BTW: A GIS Coordinate Reference System (aka "CRS") which is also referred to as a Spatial Reference System (aka "SRS") utilizes a '
projection', a '
datum', and may also use 1 or more additional (
ex: 'vertical') datums
Note that although both of the above SDK source code formats utilize a WGS84 '
datum', their cartographic GIS '
projection' formats are
Please do NOT attempt to manually 'warp' imagery to fit by "rubber-sheeting" methods in a graphics application or via imagery calibration 'tricks'.
Re-project imagery used to create terrain from warped
EPSG:4326 to
EPSG:3857 for use as imagery to create 2D / 3D
airport objects.
That cartographic "
re-projection" process normally requires sophisticated spherical geometry functions to be performed by a GIS application.
FYI: A 'under-documented' SBuilderX option can output a Geo-referenced
non-warped 1-piece
*.BMP for a background in a 3D modeling or airport design application, because it accesses / downloads original
non-warped imagery tiles intact with precise GIS data from online tileservers.
I have previously tested / verified this easy work-flow to do that using downloaded imagery tiles in
To output a 1-piece
*.BMP of selected tiles from the
SBuilderX work-space in a
non-warped format for use in ADE or a 3D modeling application:
SBuilderX Menu > Edit > Edit INI file... (
SBuilderX.INI opens in NotePad)
In NotePad > SBuilderX.INI > under [
Tiles] section, Edit:
...and change it to read:
NotePad Menu > File > Save
NotePad Menu > File > Exit
SBuilderX Menu > File > Add Map > From Background
a.) Follow usual procedures to download / select tiles (do not compile to BGL)
SBuilderX outputs
non-warped format 1-piece
*.BMP /
*.TXT into:
[SBuilderX install path]\Tools\Work sub-folder
NOTE: For use in ex:
ADE, that 1-piece
*.BMP must first be processed in
ex: GIMP to make either numerous smaller tile segments, or very low resolution 24-Bit JPGs, so they can be "Added" as "Images" in
ADE (using the 'pseudo-Mercator' metadata in the matching
*.TXT Geo-referencing 'world' file also output by
SBuilderX) ...for use as background imagery 'tiles' loaded 1-at-a-time while working on the corresponding local area of an airport in
CAVEAT: Restore normal SDK Resample compatible output of a 1-piece
*.BMP of selected tiles from the
SBuilderX work-space in a
warped format for use in making
ex: custom photo-real imagery land class terrain textures:
SBuilderX Menu > Edit > Edit INI file... (
SBuilderX.INI opens in NotePad)
In NotePad > SBuilderX.INI > Under [
Tiles] section, Edit:
...and change it to read:
NotePad Menu > File > Save
NotePad Menu > File > Exit
AFAIK, alternatively, one may use
SAS Planet which also has GIS projection options for output of 'stitched' tiles to make a 1-piece satellite image from downloaded tiles:
I hope this info helps with these types of FS development tasks.