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FSXA land class does not show

A friend of mine is doing some nice scenery. He has made two poly's with ADE as land class. They are deciduous mixed forest.

If I open his object file this is the ONLY way I can see the forests. If I restart FSX and go back to the scenery, I no longer can see the forests. i.e. only when I have the object file active in IS3 can I see them. Why? I did do a gp for him and thought that was suppressing the land class forest. I took out the gp's... still no forests. This tree land class is sitting on top of another land class of airport grass. There is no photoreal. Ideas?
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Hi Bob:

Perhaps this scenario might be easier to troubleshoot if you attach labeled screenies, and also your friend's BGL(s) containing the:

* 2 CVX vector "deciduous mixed forest" land class polygons made with ADE

* the "object file" (IIUC, the object placement file for BGLComp-type scenery library objects made with IS3 ?).

BTW: As you have indicated that "This tree land class is sitting on top of another land class of airport grass.", is that underlying "land class of airport grass" from yet another custom made CVX vector land class BGL made with ex: ADE ?

If so, you may also wish to attach that CVX vector "airport grass" land class BGL for troubleshooting purposes.

Additionally, you may also wish to perform an initial inspection of the above referenced CVX vector "deciduous mixed forest" and "airport grass" land class BGLs in FSX SDK TMFViewer.

And you may wish to perform an initial inspection of the above referenced IS3 object placement file by "Opening" it in IS3 to determine what 3D BGLComp-type scenery library object MDLs are placed by that file (and which scenery object libraries those 3D object MDLs are sourced from).

This latter procedure is mentioned in the IS3 Manual on Page 6:

"The About (question mark icon) button displays a page containing the product and current scenery information."

Hope this helps sort things out. :)

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All this was good reminder and turned me to look at other causes. I either forgot or never really gave it much thought, but evidently one cannot put a land class on top of a land class. It so happens that regardless of what placement file or obj file I open the land class items show up.

I finally removed all of my friend's land classes except for is trees, ( he had two very large airport background grass poly's. Bingo, his land class trees and mine showed up. I then made another poly and drew it just into one of the existing polys of his. Restarting FSX his poly disappeared. Redrew my poly so it just barely 'edged' his tree poly and his poly and mine both showed up again.

Ergo- cannot overlap land class polys. Never knew this I guess....never had any call to use many land classes and overlapping thereby finding out. Maybe I ran into this years ago and have forgotten.... but that might have been two centuries ago. ;) Bob
I have a similar problem, but your solution does not apply here. Everything was working perfectly until I had to do a re-install of my sim. Now, no land class or any textures show whatsoever in the sim. I tried removing all polys and exclusions and everything, but still no land class shows anymore, I have no idea what caused it.
Not that I know of. I haven't changed anything I only reinstalled the SIM. I made no changes on the airport at all. Everything was working fine until the reinstall of the SIM.
All of the required files are getting copied to the scenery folder but still no land class is showing upp anymore, and also my position is no longer showing in ADE. I don't know what's going on at this point but it is frustrating especially since everything was working fine until the re-install. I'm considering doing a restore to the date and time that everything was working to see if the problem gets resolved. Other than that, I'm lost.
Well I've tried everything I can think of but nothing fixes the problem, Google is no help either, can't find anything on this particular problem. My guess is that the SIM is completely messed up now. So I am most likely going to have to look up how to do a complete removal of the SIM and then start from scratch. That's the final solution I can come up with. If that don't fix it, I will simply abandon the project altogether and try again some other day. Probably invest in another SIM that is updated. FSX just has too many faults in it. I'm going to try a 'repair' on the sim first. If that does not work, then removal and re-installation is all that is left. After that, there's nothing left to do but abandon things and try again another day. I should have just left the faulty fx files in there and never tried to replace them by doing a repair. That's where this all started. Word of advice, "never try to fix something that ain't broken completely".
Well, re-installed the SIM completely, no change, still no autogen scenery or land class scenery. I'm at a loss at this point. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know or I will have to abandon things. When I say no autogen scenery, I mean NONE whatsoever, the world is completely just flat with no trees, no nothing but water and oceans. Nothing else will display.
Hell of a bummer! Video card is set to correct resolution? autogen stuff should be there. Land class is usually something you put in.... which does not show over any photoreal. Something si afoot here! wow! Hope someone can help with this. Arno, maybe? Masterson of ADE might have an idea, though he is retired from this, he watches now and then.
Where are you installing FSX? Hopefully outside any program files folder.
Something to do with Windows 11 will only allow fsx to work in its default installation directory. And yeah found out that there is a problem with my old GPU I have a new one comming. This one has a bad fan and overheats. Everything works fine until it gets too hot then it drops down to a minimum setting and I loose all of my graphics. I knew it was bound to happen the thing is 20 plus years old.
Is it true that if you overlap or put land classes over another that they won't show up? I still have a few that won't show. I am checking for overlapping.
Very good. FSX or P3D or both? I have win 10. didn't know about win 11 having issues with this.
It's not really Windows that has the problem. It's more with the amd drivers that have a compatibility problem on Windows 11. Also th
Driver has a built in safety feature that drops the card down to min to prevent damage from overheats. And since the fan on my card isn't working the card overheats when I run the SIM and it protects itself causing problems.