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Library Creator XML 1.0 errors

Just download the new version and I get the follwing errors:-
  1. Export as API or SCM = Run-time error '6' Overflow
  2. Check for updates = Run-time error '339' Component 'MSWINSCK.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.

I'm using Windows XP Professional.

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Hi David,

Thanks for reporting these errors.

PakMac said:
Export as API or SCM = Run-time error '6' Overflow

Can you give me some more information? How many objects does your library contain for example? And are any macro file created in the folder of your XML file before the error occurs?

PakMac said:
Check for updates = Run-time error '339' Component 'MSWINSCK.OCX' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered: a file is missing or invalid.

OK, it seems the file I use for the internet connection is not really common :). Does the file not exist at all on your system? In that case I might have to provide it with the tool.
Hi Arno,

At the moment my library only contains one object, there is part of an API created:

; API created with XML2API
; to get the same size as when placed with XML scale 1.0
; use scale 0.5 when placing the API
Area( 5 %1 %2 1 )
RotatedCall( :symbol 0 0 %5 )
Jump( :endsymbol )
RefPoint( 7 : 0.1 %1 %2 )
Points( 0
and a 0kb scm file.

I searched both of my computers for MSWINSCK.OCX. I'll have a look for it on an old computer which has Windows 98. In the mean time I've looked on MS Knowledge Base I don't know if any of the topics are of use to you.

Thanks David. Could you maybe sent me your MDL and XML file? I guess something crashes when reading the MDL file. This file is read to determine the shape of the symbol in the macro.

About the OCX file, I will have to include it in the future, as it seems not to be that common as the other VB runtime files :).
OK Arno attached is my MDL and XML files. This maybe where the problem is, as the MDL is only a box as an attachment point for an effect, which I use as a light source for my taxiway center lines. It is much easier placeing it with a macro attached to a line in FSSC.



Hi David,

OK, found it. Your MDL has a very big bounding box (don't know if that is due to the attached objects or some other strange behavior of MakeMDL). But therefore it does not fit in the variable I used to store it and that gives the overflow. I see how I can fix this (you are probably not looking for a very big symbol in FSSC either).
Thanks Arno,

Reduced the bounding box in the asm, and it now creates the API and SCM files with no problem. :)

Thanks again
OK, good to hear that :). I will try to build in some code that skips the symbol if it becomes too big or so.