• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

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FS2004 Looking for OBJ modeler/designer - Castles & Bridges (SketchUp/Gmax/Blender)


Resource contributor
Hello everyone!

I am looking for anybody who might be interested in helping me out with a mega project I have in the making, of which you can read more about in the following thread: https://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/t...ate-complete-scenery-for-portugal-wip.442495/

Basically what I need is someone who is an object designer/modeler, and has enough experience to be able to build accurate models of real buildings, specifically castles, with or without photo textures.
The models produced are to be used in my project mentioned earlier which will be for FS2004/FS9.
I use MCX so if you're only able to create P3D/FSX models that shouldn't be a problem!

My project is freeware, so unfortunately I can't pay you anything, but I was hoping someone here might be insterested enough by my project to lend me a hand! If you do please contact me either in this thread or through PM!

Thank you
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Posting here again wondering if anyone might have missed the thread and might be interested in helping me out!
I have 1 member here currently helping me by building several castles, but if anyone else is interested your help would be greatly appreciated! :)

Thank you!
Bumping the thread!
Still looking for people who might be interested in modelling castles!
Let me know if you find it interesting and would like to help me! :)
Thank you!
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I'm interested in modeling the bridge. Send me the google maps location in a link. Any other information about the bridge will be helpful. Also, let me know what format you need it in such as MDL or OBJ.
I'm interested in modeling the bridge. Send me the google maps location in a link. Any other information about the bridge will be helpful. Also, let me know what format you need it in such as MDL or OBJ.

Hey @JackRiordan

Thanks for your reply, though I have had the bridge already modeled I'm afraid! Should've mentioned here but I forgot o_O
I am still looking for modelers to build castles though if it interests you!

Thank you very much for your interest anyways, and sorry for any inconvenience! :)