Hi again:
Historically, textured flat 3D object "Ground Polygons" (aka G-Polys) such as a MSFS20 "Water Puddle" object above ...have been made in:
* FS8 - with SCASM / ASM
* FS9 / FSX / P3D - with MDLs
* MSFS20 - with glTFs
These custom objects created with 3D modeling applications are distinct from FS default "mesh-clinging" objects (aka 'terrain textures').
MSFS merges all terrain mesh-clinging ground textures, and limits effective run time resolution to a maximum of LOD-21 / QMID-23
However, custom 3D objects are allowed to have very high resolution textures mapped onto them (up to LOD 27 / QMID-29).
But, visibility distance decreases as LOD number (and texture resolution) increases.
A minimum distance in FS from a user aircraft camera to a 3D object imposes practical limits on actual run time texture resolution displayed.
"As for 3.5cm imagery, possible, but as mentioned with LOD Radius = 4.5 it will only show to the nose of the aircraft. If LOD Radius was to be changed to say 8, 9 or above that then extends the distance that LOD is visible away from the aircraft, which would be useful for taxiing an aircraft but not for actual flight operations."
Thus, one may not need to use hi-resolution 4K on some 3D objects unless ones user aircraft camera will be
VERY close to such an object.
LOD-switching of MSFS' run time rendering engine may force display of a lower LOD (and lower resolution MIPMAP) on a 'distant' 3D object.
Predetermining a practical resolution actually needed when mapping textures onto a 3D model can help reduce package size / increase FPS.
While usually placed on flattened terrain, as 3D objects, G-Polys can have a 'Platform' attached, and may be placed 'elevated' AMSL.
AFAIK, despite minor variations in MDL code by FS version, texture Material Properties have been an integral means to display 'Wet' in rain.
Perhaps one might gain insight on common methods FS2Kx and MSFS SDK's require for Direct X display of a G-Poly as 'Wet' in rain.
Pete Beeby has been a renowned FS Community expert at working with texture Materials for years; IMHO, these threads merit review:
NOTE: IIUC, what Pete refers to as a legacy FS '
Global Environment Map' in MSFS Direct X rendering terms is a "
In MSFS, this is less often subject to efforts by developers to directly change the actual images mapped onto a 6-sided '
cubemap' object.
IIUC, the MSFS SDK allows changes to Materials that modify display, rather than swapping out a
cubemap and/or its own mapped Materials.
The Glass Material
The material used for translucent/transparent elements is the
Glass material preset.
Do not use the Windshield preset for anything other than the windshield itself (explained here), as then you'll get rain/ice effects on your transparent surfaces !"
AFAIK, there is no reason MCX cannot feature a "
Glass material preset" ('preset' = profile or template ?) to be used on custom objects.
Glass Parameters
Glass Reflection Mask Factor
This value defines the strength of reflections. The environment bitmap used for reflections is not configurable and the value only has an influence on this default cockpit reflection (screen space reflections and sky cubemaps are not influenced by this). A value of 0 means no reflection, a value of 1 means maximum reflection.
Glass Deformation Factor
This value defines the strength of refraction. The environment bitmap used for refraction is not configurable and the value only has an influence on this default cockpit image. A value of 0 means no refraction, a value of 1 means maximum refraction."
Material display in MSFS is central to the discussion in this thread regarding how to implement reflections on 'Wet' surfaces.
Controlling how- when- and for how long- those visual effects display on surfaces, is central to implementing reflections on 'Wet' surfaces.
So, "as I see it", implementing reflections on a 'Wet' surface of a custom Helipad may involve use of a 'decal' layer that is
only visible in rain.