I got my drivable vehicles from flyawaysimulation.com. They are all freeware, take it some of them may have unforseen errors in them, but are easily fixed (sometimes). the Lexus430 I use the most is actually a converted MSFS model to FSX. It works, but it does have a bit of handling issues, drifting badly is one of them. the BMW730 is an FSX model, but it too has some handling problems and accleration issues. I don't use that one as much. As for the 3D people, I do have some #D models that I guess I could just take the flat model textures and overlap them onto the 3D models with a bit of work. I did that with one of my house models, I downloaded the GMAX file and loaded it into Sketchup and did some repainting and a bit of vector editing, and it came out pretty good, still needs a bit of work. In fact, that model is now actually implemented in the updated AD4 file I just sent you, if you want to take a look at it. I'm pretty happy with it, still some surfaces that need painting, but still looks good. I would like to get those plugins and do some "experimenting " with them to learn more about using Sketchup to make my own models instead of downloading them from somewhere. I plan on making some road signs and custom street lights. If you have looked at any of the "people" models, you can probably tell this is a sort of "fantasy" project. Which is why I was asking about the 3D people, as you can tell I have some "fairies" with wings on them, I can probably make the people themselves 3D, but making the wings 3D, well that's another project in itself. Gonna need to play with that, but for now, I'll stay with the "flat" objects. I eventually want to use Sketchup to "build" a couple of custom castles to put in place of the stock models I have to use right now. As for the streaming, yes, I stream using a remote access program (third party), it don't require the other "players" to have FSX installed on their machine, they only have to have me map their controllers to my SIM, the remote access program allows remote controllers to work fairly well. It does tend to slow the SIM down some as it is streaming the entire thing over the internet, and that is limited by internet speed. I would like to be able to have multiplayer online FSX. All of my players do have FSX (A couple of them have Steam) installed and know how to use it. We don't fly online, only drive road vehicles. All flying is done by me, the players are only passengers. I use FSPilot for most game flying as I only have to provide a flightplan and load it, the autopilot will handle flying and landing and takeoff by itself, leaving me to tend to game playing. However FSPilot don't work well with vehicles. I also use FSPassengers for loading and unloading of any planes. I only use small aircraft as none of my "airports" in the project were designed for large airliners, plus I don't quite know how to fly the large jets yet, still learning the small planes right now. This is a BIG ongoing project that as my RPG continues, I have to modify things. I'm still writing the "search and rescue" scenario ,so there's plenty of time for Gary to work on the mountain. I haven't even begun to set that part of the adventure up yet. As a DM, you have to write these things ahead of time before putting them into your adventure. I'm the first DM to ever go to such lengths as using a Flight Sim and using modern time technology in a D&D game. It has been quite challenging to say the least. Gary has been a great help, I never could even have considered doing this if he hadn't offered to help. It would have taken me 1 to 2 years to learn the new programs and learn how to use them to do what he has done already. Can't wait to actually test it in real-time to see how things work going up and down the mountain. BTW:I do have a jeep that I could also use if I wanted to. I don't use them much because they have some issues with the VC that is a bit annoying.