• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

P3D v5 Missing Taxi Signs

I seem to have a problem with taxi igns not displaying in P3Dv5. Allow me to explain further. I am in the process of developing an across platform airport scenery (FSX, P3D and P3Dv5) for the use in our online IFR flights. The airport (LTFM- Tayakadin) is designed in ADEv1.76.6175 and uses a total of 765 taxi signs. While these show fully in FSX and P3Dv3.4 they do not show in P3Dv5. I have for the latter reduced the number substantially to ca. 600 and they now show. Is there a limitation in P3Dv5 to the number of displayable taxi signs that you know of. I am having thoughts to add the missing signs with Ground Polys but that is of course a sizeable amount of work.


  • FSX.jpg
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  • P3Dv3.4.jpg
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So I have resolved the problem with P3Dv5 by reducing the number of taxi signs to714, now they all show. Unfortunately I had to delete many of the Apron signs to achieve this, now I am faced with another problem. I made some Ground Polys for the signs and placed them in the normal manner, compiled the normal bgl, now all my previous GP signs have disappeared. Looking in the Scenery folder I see that the GP.bgl has gone from 420KB to 1KB. Thankfully I had a backup of the 420KB data so I copied it back to the Scenery Folder. Once again tried to add some GP,s but this time only compiled the GP.bgl. Details were as before with all my previous GP signs but not the new ones, if I Compile the normal bgl then all vanish and the status is as before GP.bgl has gone from 420KB to 1KB. This is really frustrating me as I do not have a clue to what is happening, perhaps a ADE guru could point me in the right direction. Sorry if this is long winded.