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ModelConverterX 0.55 release

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Staff member
FSDevConf team
Resource contributor
Here is a new version of ModelConverterX. It contains just some bug fixes compared to version 0.50. The following issues are addressed:

  • Fixed bug with rotations in the SCASM reader, this affected the RotatedCall and TransformCall commands
  • Fixed bug in batch convert mode that did not write all objects when a file with multiple objects was loaded
  • The last used reader or writer is now remember in the dialog to open or save files

If there are any issues with this version, please report them here in the forum.
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Hi Arno

I have tried converting a couple of api's with rotation involved ( I am assuming this counts as animation ), one with rotate to aircraft and one with rotate continuously. Should I be able to see rotation in the preview in this case? I so far haven't gone further and exported the objects.

Hi Iain,

Reading animations from SCASM objects is not supported yet (planned for the next version). At the moment only animations from FSX MDL files can be loaded and displayed. So it is correct that you are seeing nothing.

If you have a nice SCASM object with an animation that I can use for testing, please consider sending it to me :).
Hi Arno

Here is a file for the rotating ( continuously )part of a radar pylon.

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Thanks, I will use that object will adding this new feature. It is scheduled for the next version.
Hi Arno

Can you clarify if the import of lines is restricted to FSX mdl files the same as animations as I have had no success with this feature converting from api's

Hi Iain,

No, the lines are only supported on SCASM code. FSX MDL files don't have them as far as I know, that is why ModelConverterX turns them into 3D shapes by extruding the lines.

Do you get any warning of unsupported commands after importing?
Hi Arno

Attached is a simple api file which makes a box with a rail on top. This object is made in Novasim which has a tool to draw fences which I am assuming will count as lines.
On import there is an error message 'unsupported command Drawlinelist' Only the box is converted.
I have used this feature in a few objects in the past so it would be good if this part of the object could be converted in a future version.



  • Test_Boxwithrail.api
    6.1 KB · Views: 703
Hi Iain,

I have put it on the list for the next version. You are correct that at the moment only the older SCASM line commands are supported, this one not yet.
Hi Iain,

I have put it on the list for the next version. You are correct that at the moment only the older SCASM line commands are supported, this one not yet.

It's funny how time drags when you're waiting.
Been looking forward to the version with the new Scasm coding and keep checking in to see

Thanks Arno for all your wonderful tools. They really are appreciated.

Hi Gary,

I have been on vacation for 3 weeks, now I am getting back on track with programming on the new version of ModelConverterX. I have more things on my wishlist than only this command, so I think it will take a few more weeks before I can have a release ready again.
Hi Gary,

I have been on vacation for 3 weeks, now I am getting back on track with programming on the new version of ModelConverterX. I have more things on my wishlist than only this command, so I think it will take a few more weeks before I can have a release ready again.

Thanks Arno

You da man :)
Hi Arno
I have been using your new release 0.55 and am enjoying it. Many thanks for all the work.

Two points:

1)I am wondering if you are going to enable a display of the number of polygons(triangles) of each model - a feature I have found very useful in your FS9_mdl_tweaker program. If it already exists my apologies but I could not find access to it.

2) Each time I exit ModelConverterX 0.55 I get the following message as per the attachment.



  • model_converterX_error_msg.jpg
    39.3 KB · Views: 687
Shaded Poly Problem

Hello Arno,

Thank you very much for the outstanding ModelConverterX. It works very well, I encountered just one problem:
When trying to convert round objects such as poles and cylinders using the VecPoly( xy ...) command and using VecPoly or ShadedTexPoly or TexPoly( comands, the object still has sharp edges and does not appear to be round. TexVecpoly is not supported. Is there a possibility of creating round shapes with the Scasm commands supported?
Many thanks, Klaus
Hi Mike,

1)I am wondering if you are going to enable a display of the number of polygons(triangles) of each model - a feature I have found very useful in your FS9_mdl_tweaker program. If it already exists my apologies but I could not find access to it.

It is on my todo list for the next release to show more information and statistics about the object. So that should be there soon.

2) Each time I exit ModelConverterX 0.55 I get the following message as per the attachment.

I have seen that on one PC myself as well, but unfortunately I have not yet been able to reproduce it on my development PC. That makes it hard for me to debug this error. But it is on my bug list.
Hi Klaus,

When trying to convert round objects such as poles and cylinders using the VecPoly( xy ...) command and using VecPoly or ShadedTexPoly or TexPoly( comands, the object still has sharp edges and does not appear to be round. TexVecpoly is not supported. Is there a possibility of creating round shapes with the Scasm commands supported

I will check, it could be that the TexVecPoly command is not yet supported, but then it should be easy to add it.

About the correctly shaded (and thus looking rounded polygons). I thought that worked already, but I will check again. If you can send me the object that gives you the trouble that would help debugging as well.
Hi guys,

Just a little status update. The DrawTriList command is working now, but there are other features I want to add before the next release. So please hold your breath a little longer :).
Hi Klaus,

When trying to convert round objects such as poles and cylinders using the VecPoly( xy ...) command and using VecPoly or ShadedTexPoly or TexPoly( comands, the object still has sharp edges and does not appear to be round. TexVecpoly is not supported. Is there a possibility of creating round shapes with the Scasm commands supported?
Many thanks, Klaus

I have looked and the VecPoly or VecTexPoly commands are not yet supported indeed. At the moment only the ShadedPoly and ShadedTexPoly are supported. But to be sure that I add them correctly, could you send a sample object that uses those commands? I would like to see how they are used compared to the other commands to make sure they are proccessed correctly. Thanks already,
Hi Arno.

If I import an FSX MDL, then export it, them reimport it, the XYZ axis is messed up... simple flat planes going vertical.

My idea was to add attachmaents to simple small planes.

Hi Arno

Just to add that I have come up against the same problem as Dick with re-importing to FSX mdls but wasn't sure if this was an expected problem so I hadn't gotten round to advising. I had just been curious to try this out at the time:)

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