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you need divide model part in some texture. max vertices is 65K in one texture. but you can follow this guide if want to beyond the limit:10:21 XtoMDL Information error : Vertex list has too many vertices (74329), max allowed: 65535
Note that you can use the same texture, but the parts using that texture must be split into using two or more materials, with a tiny difference in one of the material settings.
Hello @arno, sorry for the necro post but I have found this thread today because I am getting this error while trying to export an mdl. It is interesting because I can open it and export it successfully before I make any modifications, but after removing a few bits of the model the export fails with this error message: XtoMDL Error error : Vertex list has too many vertices (67736), max allowed: 65535Note that this splitting is something that MCX should do by itself, so apparently that is not the case here. Are you using the latest development release?
I don't think that should be the outcome. I am trying to accomplish two things - change the visibility conditions on some model parts and remove some model parts.Hi,
What kind of modifications are you making? Could it be that your changes result in more triangles getting the same material?