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MSFS20 Models Showing as Unknown


When I go to the airport and open the project in Sim, the models are not showing and listed as unknown, any ideas? Everything is in the right place and models created as I have always done using MCX?


So these are models you created yourself and are visible in the ADE display? Are these stock models or your models? Are they converted to glTF? Are they in a library? Did you add the library to the Library Object Manager?
Hi Jon,

Yes they are and they are visible in the display. Not stock models, all converted with relevant xml, bin and gltf files, textures in texture folder. I did add the models to the list and they show fine in ADE, when I load the project in sim, everything is there except the models. I can select them and the bounding box shows, but nothing visible and Unknown in Scenery list. I did also try generating new GUID's and amended them in both the model xml file and the scene xml file, still no joy.


what the hell. this also happened to me today. I've been pulling my hair all day. What in Gods name is going on, happy I saw this thread and now following.

Any1 else just literally only see UNKNOWN on their models?

Where did you put the glTF model files? Section 16 of the pdf Notes explains the process of using custom (not in a library) Models. This includes ensuring you have the ModelLib Asset ?Groups activated

Please also backup the entire ADE 2020 Project File (Project > Backup). The zipped file will be placed in the root folder you set for projects. Attach it to a post here or if it is too big then email it to me
what the hell. this also happened to me today. I've been pulling my hair all day. What in Gods name is going on, happy I saw this thread and now following.

Any1 else just literally only see UNKNOWN on their models?
Models shown as unknown in the ADE main display or objects list mean that ADE does not know about them. If they are in a library then that library has not been added to the ADE Library Object Manager or the library itself is not in the Community or Official folder structures
OK reading this again you are opening the project created with ADE using the in Sim Tools. I haven't confirmed yet how well custom objects work in this situation. So you might be heading outside the bounds of the alpha confirmed functionality.
Excuse my reply, im not using ADE and getting UNKOWN issue lol
OK then I can't help. I know that is an issue with in sim tools especially after a SDK update so perhaps report this in the MSFS Airport General forum
It happened to me some times. The last one was today. Do you have manifest.json and layout.json at the package you create when you hit the "build"?

Nope, thats what solved it for me....

I got them back using this tool and using an older manifest file as a template. Everything just came back, im a happy camper!

Have managed to get them showing but really odd still. I took a manifest and layout.json from a previous package and put them in the package folder and redid the layout.json using a validator someone here made and they are back. But....if I clean package, it removes them and they never get created again when I build again? So, I am just not cleaning to make sure they remain visible!
Generally then this is an in sim issue rather than an ADE one?
I should add, i have found it's purely if the layout and manifest json's are not there and the last project I built using ADE didn't create those, but still believe it is MSFS not packaging correctly.
I should add, i have found it's purely if the layout and manifest json's are not there and the last project I built using ADE didn't create those, but still believe it is MSFS not packaging correctly.
I can confirm, I do not get the layout.json or the other json's when I clean package and try to reload the BLG. It leads to a CTD . I have to make sure I backup them up every so often.
FYI I can replicate this every time.

When I clean, I lose my layout.json and manifest.json in my packages. When I just build however, they remain.

When I clean and then load the BGL in editor (after I restart the sim) all scenery is unknown.

I can only bring it back by using the json validator tool and then move a backed up manifest in the package folder every time I want to do a proper clean and build. Super annoying and I dont know why this is happening.
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If you want to clean build just delete the _packageint folder after opening the airport in dev. Then click save scenery before you click build. This will remove all the metadata and timestamps and force a recompile of your objects as well. It removes cross linked data and any objects renamed are also removed.
the only other unknown objects are where you used someone else’s objects from a package that is no longer in the Community folder. Once they’re gone you can only return them by returning the someone else’s to the Community folder and recompiling. However this too requires the _packageint folder to be deleted to force the compile of the objects before they appear to be selected
Hope this helps
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First time ever last night it worked, doing a test.
Now always "UNKNOWN" even on new projects.
Tried everything, no luck.
I give up, hoping in some help.