I do, thanks! Thank you too Mike, for posting your issue!
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Your issue appears to be one of node name discrepancies. Just as a "for example," it looks like you have used 3ds Max to split meshes into multiple nodes. When I do this, I get the same node name conflict warning in the Console, with the suggestion to use the Babylon Resolve Unique Id function, which sometimes works, sometimes does not.
If you are in a similar situation, what happens when you split a mesh like that, is that you create a new node name, but the original name is retained in the Babylon Properties and it is the Babylon Properties name that causes the conflict. To solve it, you find the mesh, highlight it, right click in the workspace, scroll to Babylon Properties, find the text field and edit it. This is the same thing the algorithm does by appending a few numbers, if it can locate the mesh.