• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

MSFS20 MSFS Toolkit by Nool Aerosystems

Thank you for the further explanation; is this something you may consider sharing with the FSDEV community eventually ?

It is good to have multiple tools in one's toolkit when it comes to MSFS, as we currently have limited options for custom terrain.

PS: Tell your wife we have only known you briefly, and see good things forthcoming in your future; so we are ..."Pro LIfe". :)

I don't have a wife :oops:
I don't have a wife :oops:

I certainly might be mistaken, as it was rather late at night that I saw a web page with info linked to your name / company.

I am thus far not able to find the web page in my history; probably it was on another computer I use.

UPDATE: I found the web page from which I inferred you had a wife; I hope all is well with all concerned as of this date.


"At the moment I work about 16 hours a day. 8 in the lathe shop (ordinary work) and 8 doing scenarios. My wife wants me dead but she understands the situation rightly :) probably those who do it "just for the sake of it" or without due effort end up releasing mediocre products."

But, I am glad to see you (now ?) do not have a wife that wants you dead ...as the web page stated (jokingly ?) ;)

And I hope you do not work yourself to death.

My apologies for an (incorrect ?) inference from a late night web search, to learn more about your past coding and FS activities.

I shall continue to "see good things forthcoming in your future". :)

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Eheheh, yeah, we parted ways in 2022, and I don't work 16 hours anymore 🤣 I mean, sometimes I do but I don't think a Flight Sim forum is a place to discuss my private Life, and that was just a funny way to say "I'm ripping the skin off my buttcheeks and she understands that" but things change over time :) and that's mainly the reason why there shouldn't be a private life chapter of mine here 🤣 I'm here for 2 things. Work, and fun, which luckily merge in the middle with Flight Simulators and computer experience ;) that's it :D
Oh m
Thank you for the further explanation; is this something you may consider sharing with the FSDEV community eventually ?

It is good to have multiple tools in one's toolkit when it comes to MSFS, as we currently have limited options for custom terrain.

Oh Gary, I guess I should upload my old tools for FSX/P3D for autogenerating elevation models and photoscenery...

I haven't used it for a couple of years now, but it would:

- Bring in MrSid or GeoTiff imagery into Global Mapper
- Export to tiled GeoTiff and Trim to Boundaries of Shape Files
- Import to Photoshop and do Color Correction
- Reload in Global Mapper and Tile Out at 100% accurate LOD tables (for best optimization, compression and performance)
- Generate INF files to mass produce for resample.exe
- Run resample.exe on all the files to generate BGL's

Also generated water masks from vector datasets

It also took elevation datasets, imported into global mapper and then exported out as tiled elevation geotiffs, generated .INF files and ran them through resample.exe

It's what I used to generate UltimateVFR photoscenery and NEXTMap ProMeh years ago.

The program was written in Visual Basic and I started to port it to C# but got distracted by the last couple of years...

I was planning to make routines to be able to call different routines for QGIS and an alternative for photoshop for those processes.

It wouldn't be hard for me to generate a program now for generating elevation datasets for MSFS, it's just finding time to do it...
Hi Dean:

What you describe appears quite comprehensive, and it would be great to explore if / when you get time to share it here. :scratchch

Perhaps the FSDEV community could adapt it to MSFS (BING / MS-VE) aerial imagery Tile system criteria for use via MSFS SDK. :idea:

Some here want to use <30 Meter LIDAR-derived terrain mesh / sloped flattens, and high resolution imagery at MSFS airports.

Being keyed to display at LODs as a function of user aircraft Altitude / Distance from scenery in MSFS is a very helpful feature.

Having a workflow keyed to QGIS would be very helpful as well, since Global Mapper is beyond most FS Developers budgets.

But as a Global Mapper user, I would welcome an option to use that familiar GIS utility as an alternative to 'python-esque' QGIS.

Thanks for considering such a generous contribution to learning and production resources at FSDEV. :)

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Hi Gary,

I'll try and get it up at GITHUB for others to be able to use, I need to check through the programming as I hadn't yet fully implemented the watermasking routines. I think I broke something. Thankfully Visual Studio now automatically updates code snippets that have been deprecated and I haven't fully used it for a few years. Totally happy to give back to the FS community.

Global Mapper is awesome but very expensive. I wanted to do an option for ArcGIS as well.

In terms of elevation data I did find going the global mapper route was way easier when I looked into it, thinking great, I can add the Australian 1m DEM into the sim, but Asobo already integrated the 1m and 5m datasets into MSFS2020 so I set it aside, but it really wouldn't take long to code when I get time now I'm more settled USA side again.
Hi Gary,

I'll try and get it up at GITHUB for others to be able to use, I need to check through the programming as I hadn't yet fully implemented the watermasking routines. I think I broke something. Thankfully Visual Studio now automatically updates code snippets that have been deprecated and I haven't fully used it for a few years. Totally happy to give back to the FS community.

Global Mapper is awesome but very expensive. I wanted to do an option for ArcGIS as well.

In terms of elevation data I did find going the global mapper route was way easier when I looked into it, thinking great, I can add the Australian 1m DEM into the sim, but Asobo already integrated the 1m and 5m datasets into MSFS2020 so I set it aside, but it really wouldn't take long to code when I get time now I'm more settled USA side again.
The DEM I have and would like to use seems much more detailed than the terrain in FS2024, at least in the part of the US I'm working.
The DEM I have and would like to use seems much more detailed than the terrain in FS2024, at least in the part of the US I'm working.

If you share with us what the Geographic coordinates are for the area you are wanting to make terrain mesh and/or sloped flattens for, perhaps we can see if Asobo has actually included higher resolution terrain data for that location yet.

If you share with us what the Geographic coordinates are for the area you are wanting to make terrain mesh and/or sloped flattens for, perhaps we can see if Asobo has actually included higher resolution terrain data for that location yet.

Right now the current project is 0VG. Lee County Airport.

36.656294, -83.217129
I just went digging. Deleted everything off the airport... sure enough, there's super high resolution terrain under there that looks just as good as the DEM I have...

The airport just suppresses it. That's annoying.
Hi again:

IRL, 0VG is sloped.

I'd consider: :scratchch

* Exclude MSFS' default airport background flatten (...and do not "Apply Flatten" to Test Radius)

* Exclude 3rd party airport background flatten

* Exclude MSFS default RWY object

* Use RWY start locations at each end of custom RWY as aerial imagery or textured 3D G-Poly shaped to local terrain surface

All already done. I excluded everything and built the airport from scratch. It's the runway that's doing the flattening. The falloff is set to -1 by default. If I change it to anything else, it causes some extreme terrain craziness around the runway.
OHHOHOOO!!! Making the runway terraforming falloff number fairly HIGH (100) fixed it, without flattening the surroundings! Oh this is P R E T T Y y'all. Holy SMOKES!!!

Untitled-1 copy.png
That's me. Lost all my login info and don't use the old email anymore 🤣

Yeah i was able to get decent results in FS2O20 but they don't seem workable in 2024. Plus no more support for the tool.
- sorry for all lower caps suddenly my computer refuses to use the shift key -

so i think i found what happened to nool aerosystems and why he disappeared...

in msfs 2024 if you launch into the msfs virtual file system - C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Limitless_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\VFSProjection\config

you'll find a file named 'noolaero-vdgs.cfg'

inside that you'll find

; Created by Nool Aerosystems OÜ <https://www.nool.ee/>



; Aircraft type configuration:
; icao=name, refpoints

; Airbus
A221=BCS1, ND
A223=BCS3, ND

A306=A300, ND
A30B=A300, ND
A3ST=A300, NF
A310=A310, ND

so it looks like nool disappeared into the internal world of msfs official development
The DEM I have and would like to use seems much more detailed than the terrain in FS2024, at least in the part of the US I'm working.

i've been finding msfs 2024 has such high resolution elevation data it seems microsoft has done up huge swaths in 1m dem
- sorry for all lower caps suddenly my computer refuses to use the shift key -

so i think i found what happened to nool aerosystems and why he disappeared...

in msfs 2024 if you launch into the msfs virtual file system - C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Limitless_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\VFSProjection\config

you'll find a file named 'noolaero-vdgs.cfg'

inside that you'll find

so it looks like nool disappeared into the internal world of msfs official development
This may be related to this Visual Docking Guidance System Only if you have installed its package you will find it in C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.Limitless_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalState\VFSProjection\config