The flooting toolbar is a good idea, but most windows' programs has a main menu with standard options, such as: File, Edit, Help, etc. Clicking on them open a pop up window with submenus and their options. Most users are acquainted working this way.
I don't see how having menu options for all the insert icons would work. Looking at an application like Photoshop there is a toolbar with icons for the various tools. You click on the tool you want and then work with it. That is what the toolbar at the top of FSX Planner is based on. So I think for a graphical application it makes sense.
AFCAD has a geographic coordinates grid, that is, a grid with horizontal and vertical lines, oriented to the true North, as most maps have. At the left and the bottom there are information on the main lines.
Right now FSX Planner does display the lat/lon grid if you want it to.
I think the visual aspect is very atractive to draw points, lines and polys.
I'm not sure what you mean here. What points, lines and polys are you referring to?
One can even rotate the drawing (the grid follow the rotation, of course).
We are looking at adding the ability to rotate the entire display.
I understanding you do not want to mimic AFCAD, but it's very hard to leave its resources.
Correct, we don't want to mimick AFCAD, or any other application that helps users create airports. Obviously some functionality will overlap, but we are not looking to simply copy another application. We want the FS community to have several options when it comes to designing their airports.