• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

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Newbie needs help with Fotoscenery for FSX

Hi all..

Been trying hard to figure out how to import som fotoreal ground scenery into FSX. So far i got too the point that i found out that i need GeoTiff files, too compile with the Resampler tool from SDK. Also found the GDAL FW tools, but cant seem to figure out just how to convert my Bitmap into GeoTiff with it...

I tried the FwTools and GeoTIFF files guide that Arno wrote (i think) but still did not get i right.. I still dont found how to convert from BMP..
I think i have all the information i need about the picture (size in pixels and geographic info on all 4 sides) but i can`t figure out how or where to put it..

If anyone can just point me in the right direction i think ill be fine, but for now it i full stop here..

If this subject has deen up like a hundred times before an i just did not find it i am sorry, but have been looking around here for a few days now, and can not say that i have found anything to solve this..:confused:

Tom A
Hi Tom,

Using GeoTIFF files is not really required, but it makes your life much easier as you don't have to tell resample that much about your image (in the INF file).

In what projection is your BMP file? If it is already in WGS84 projection all you would have to do is add the coordinates to the GeoTIFF as explain in the section "Adding positional information to an image" of the tutorial I wrote.