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No texture after exporting P3D to X-Plane

Seems the model it selves convert fine using the setup wizard - export scenery
But no texture will show in X-Plane, even though the obj have the texture linked and named correctly.

Did I miss a step or is it a bug of some sort / missing feature / old version
From what I can see, the model (test) is showing correctly in the Modelconverter X UI

Modelconverter X UI Screen

X-Plane in game screen


PS.. Don't mind the double objects, will exclude underlaying autogen later.

Any idea what i.e. needs to be done, have not been done or what could be wrong?

Thanks in advanced.
Did you convert the textures to a format X-Plane can read and put them in the right folder?
X-Plane can read both png and dds, so basically just copied those from the /texture folder over to the object folder of X-Plane. Should work
.DDS is not platform spesific, it's an image format. Only thing I can think of is that there may be some DXT issues or mipmap issues.
X-Plane uses a different definition for the origin of the DDS files, so you would have to vertically flip them first.
Ok, so how would this be done in MC, via the Material Editor


or via the Normal & Shading


Reason for asking is that the texture looks good in UI, so is the notion that those are inverted?

MCX does use the FS definition by default, that's why they render fine. If you load an X-Plane native object you will have to change the option to flip the textures on loading.

The flip vertical in the material editor is a way to flip the texture indeed. Afterwards you would have to save the textures again. Of course you can use any other graphics editors as well.

Tried to flip the textures horisontal, but that did not make any difference I am sorry to say..

Here is the test scenery if you like to try


  • molde_seilet_p3d.zip
    2.1 MB · Views: 86
I don't have X-Plane installed at the moment, so not sure what I could test in that case. Looking at the model it should be well possible to convert it to X-Plane, it only has one drawcall.

Tried to flip the textures horisontal, but that did not make any difference I am sorry to say..

Here is the test scenery if you like to try

Are you sure you need to flip it horizontally? FSX/P3D textures are normally flipped vertically for dds formatted textures
The flipping is vertical indeed. But looking at the texture, even when it would be flipped you should still see something. So it seems more likely that X-Plane can't find or read the texture file.
I don't have X-Plane installed at the moment, so not sure what I could test in that case. Looking at the model it should be well possible to convert it to X-Plane, it only has one drawcall.

No need to test it, I can do that. Just convert it an I will try. Also I tried with both texture flipped and normal (out of the scenery it is faced normal.
However I wonder about one thing.. Is it enough just to flight it in the material editor, or would you need to flip in UI using the "normal" function?
Other thing I was thinking of is, is the verticy normals flipped? So that the textures are inwards and not pointing outwards?
Ok so I finally figured it out. What a mess.

So @arno you where initially correct in your assumption. The textures needed to be flipped as they are per default wrong.
But MC do not save DDS files and that was basically the major issue. Not sure if it is a bug or not, but that feature does not work.
Solution was to save the flipped textures as png, then use X-Plane's X-Grinder to convert them back into correct DDS.
When that was done, everything worked perfectly.

I am now however struggling with exclusion of buildings.. Reason a normal exclusion in WED cannot be done, is that I have a base line mesh package that populates OSM data (autogen) called Norway Pro
You cannot import base mesh dsf into WED, so you cannot remove them per say. Extremely annoying.

Without the package or then using just Orthophoto overlays (autogen provided from orthophoto) it will work with exclusions. Or X-Plane default.
This for me is a double edge sword. I want to have the updated OSM sceenery, but also want to remove that god forsaken annoying building

Anyway, here are some images showing it works.


Fyi.. The sadion is my 3D model but for some very strange reason, any exclude to that scenery will remove underlaying objects.
Very strange.

See the issue of the annoying autogen buildings here
Which version of MCX are you using? It should be able to export dds. It might be that the option to override existing textures in the material editor is set to false. You also need to manually save them, just running the flip option does not save the texture.
Bruker v 1.50 og har aktivert override exsiting funksjonen. Likevel ingen måte å lagre, trykker på knappen men nei
Version 1.5 does need the ImageTool tool from the FS sdk to write DDS files. Did you setup that path in the options?

The development release no longer uses ImageTool and can save the DDS files directly
I have pointed to ImageMagic convert.exe yes. Saving any other files than DDS works.

Anyway, I fixed all issues now regarding the scenery, so this ended up being a good test. Thanks guys for excellent additional help and suggestions.


MCX 1.5 uses ImageTool from the FS SDK, not ImageMagic. But glad to hear you got it working.
Have the SDK, but stored on a forgotten disk somewhere. Also, that program is discontinued