PhotoShop and most graphics apps do not process / save / retain on export ...Geo-referencing tags in GeoTIFF files.
If you want PhotoShop to internally and directly process / save / retain ...Geo-referencing tags in GeoTIFF files, try this free demo:
You may also wish to consider the info in these threads if you want to use PhotoShop to edit GeoTIFF files, then restore Geo-referencing tags:
PS: You must not change the size of a Geo-referenced Raster or Vector by adding or subtracting from its original Geographic extents.
When editing Rasters, do not add or subtract any Rows / Columns of pixels in a image as this would change its size and Geographic extents
When editing Vectors, do not scale the image up or down as this would change its size and Geographic extents
If you are careful to not change GIS extents, you can use GeoTIFF to INF, but you will have to process all your imagery manually as separate sources (...which creates numerous smaller BGL files; that is not FPS-efficient due to extensive use of transparency inside BGLs).
You can further consolidate those separate INF files into (1) or more multi-source INF file(s), which then must still be processed manually.
If you do this, then FS2Kx SDK Resample can create custom photo-real imagery BGLs as large as 2 GB (...but not larger).
IIRC, your goal originally was to use ScenProc to create your FS scenery in an effort to 'semi-automate' and reduce your workload.
If that continues to be your goal, then you must create a folder of properly configured GeoTIFFs as an input source for ScenProc.
If you utilize that source with a properly configured ScenProc script, you may indeed be able to reduce your workload substantially.