Good morning everyone!
There has been no news from me for some time. That is simply because I am still working on Spain.
I have now decided to publish the individual Comunidades Autónomas one by one.
This way, everyone can decide for themselves which regions they want to have.
The first region will be Andalucia - I hope that Andalucia will be ready by the end of next week!
To keep the file sizes as small as possible, I also decided not to create the whole of Spain with 1 m/px - this would have made the whole of Spain about 300 GB in size.
Instead, I will create sparsely populated areas with only 4 m/px, and areas without larger cities with only 2 m/px. This may not sound like much, but it should be enough.
In return, important cities and large airports will be equipped with much higher resolution images, currently I am planning 50 cm/px.
All in all, the whole of Andalusia should not need more than 12 GB of storage space.
Calculated for the whole of Spain, I will then have a file size of approx. 70-75 GB.
Of course, the autogen is created for the whole of Spain with the highest possible accuracy!
Furthermore, I will also release the autogen as usual individually, so that other photosceneries can also be used!
Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures available today. That's it from me again at this point...
Then I wish you all a nice weekend!