Hi Ken:
If you have an example of a 3D MDL packaged inside of a scenery library format BGL output by MCX or Library Maker that also has a separate accompanying placement BGL which is not showing up in the IS3 list of available scenery library BGLs, please attach or link to it here, so I can take a look at it in FSX and/or P3Dv4.5.
Also, if you have a 3D model which is in a "hybrid" BGL output by MCX (meaning it contains the 3D model as a MDL and its placement code inside the same physical file) which is not showing up in the IS3 list of available scenery library BGLs, please attach or link to it here, so I can take a look at it in FSX and/or P3Dv4.5.
Hi Gary,
I guess I should explain that my bgls are now showing up in the list of available scenery bgls, output by the Library Maker. I don't know if it makes a difference, and I don't think it does now, but I'm placing my bgls in the Addon Scenery\scenery folder. Previously, I was placing my bgls in the Addon Scenery folder in a subfolder with an object name, such as KCLT New Terminal.bgl or KCLT ground poly.bgl, inside the Scenery folder, which also has a Texture folder for the textures. Previously when I exported my bgls from MCX, I would put in the coordinates, altitude, and heading using the Convert Object and Placement Wizard, which I understand now puts placement code in that bgl, and what I've should have done was exported it as an mdl, and use the Library Maker to compile it without the placement code. But I would always export them as bgls with the coordinates, altitude, and heading from MCX. I was also unsure as to where I was supposed to place the bgls. I hope that explains what I was referring to when I asked that question. When I launch FSX and IS3 inside the sim, and the list of bgls come up, the object I've just placed in the Scenery folder inside the Addon Scenery folder would not show up in the list. I've also noticed that after I added the file to the scenery library in FSX, the bgl then shows up in the list in IS3. Of course, that scenery cannot be edited because it's already placed and compiled. I can go to the list and grab the bgl but that would place another identical scenery. So, from what I understand now, anytime I add placement code in the bgl, that bgl will not show up in the list of available bgls in IS3. The only time I would want to put placement code in the bgl is when I'm not using IS3. I hope I got this straight now.
Before I go any farther, I wanted to show you this image, and in this image, I have all the cars, trees, buildings, and the main mdl removed from the scenery so that only what's below is clear:
This is the sloped terrain I've talked about earlier, but without all the other things in the way. The model lays right on top of this. As you can see, since the model is removed, my terminal with the blue roof is suspended 40 feet above the sloped terrain and the new longer section connected to the main terminal is right on the ground where it's not sloped. This terrain is not seen when the model is in place in the original scenery. So the question is why is this terrain 40 feet below the model and why is it there in the first place? I think I may know why it was placed there. Take a look at the image below:
This is supposed to be a puddle of water and if you look carefully, you can see what's below that water puddle, which I have marked by the red squares. You may not be able to tell it in this photo, but when I move around, I can see that I'm looking down at the terrain below, and it's suppose to give it a reflective appearance. When I place my aircraft below the model, I can see I'm looking at the same image that's reflected off the water puddle above. So, that seems to explain their reason for this slope and for the image below. Now look at this strange image:
I don't know why but the ground is not laid out evenly. You can now clearly see the terrain that's below.
Now about placing my new ramp using IS3. I think I've mentioned that I've been trying to add my new ramp, or tarmac. But I've been having a hard time trying to place it using the IS3, not because I can't place it, but because of either how the ground is laid out or all of the flickering that's in the original FSDT KCLT mdl. Here's an image of that model with the Shaders turned on in MCX so that you can see the model:
When you orbit around the model in MCX, it flickers a lot, and I don't understand why that is. But I'm thinking that this is the reason for the problem I'm having with placing my ramp. See the image below:
Do you notice how some of the ramp is missing, where it's jagged? That particular area is going below the model while the area at the bottom is actually a little above the model. It's not perfectly flat at all. So, I guess this particular area where the new ramp will be laying needs to be excluded, and I haven't been able to exclude that area. I'll attach both the ramp and the exclusion bgls and maybe you can find out if there's anything wrong.