Also, please confirm whether you placed your G-Poly using Instant Scenery and not with L-M's P3D SimDirector at all times in the history of that placement BGL.
Additionally, please confirm whether you placed your G-Poly using Instant Scenery and not with Arno's MCX object placer at all times in the history of that placement BGL.
PS: Please attach the mapped textures for your new terminal 3D model (they are missing in the original attachment above) I can see it properly for testing purposes.
Portion of Terminal Building is Underground
Hi, Arno, I have my terminal building install in the sim but exactly 40 feet of the building is underground. Why is that? Here's the image: I think I may know what the problem is and I wanted to confirm that. Below is my terminal project in Sketchup: Is it because I don't have a
In addition to the above, other questions yet to be answered, includes:
* Where in the FS Scenery library layer stack is your placement BGL for your replacement G-Poly of the "Ramp" / parking area under the location of the new KCLT terminal ?
If your placement BGL for your replacement G-Poly of the "Ramp" / parking area under the location of the new KCLT terminal is in [FSX install path]\Addon Scenery\Scenery:
* What layer 'Priority' number is the [FSX install path]\Addon Scenery\Scenery folder assigned in your FSX Scenery Library GUI stack of layers
If your replacement G-Poly of the "Ramp" / parking area under the location of the new KCLT terminal was created / assembled in MCX G-Poly Wizard:
What VTP layer number was it assigned (this assumes it was made as a SCASM / ASM G-Poly and not a FSX SDK MDL-based G-Poly) ?
Was that G-Poly made for P3D and then copied / ported for use in FSX, or was it instead made for FSX and then copied / ported for use in P3D ?
To assist my further analysis of scenery objects and files in the area to see whether terrain mesh or a G-Poly is involved in this:
* What is the name and folder path of the FSDT G-Poly MDL that creates the textured ground surface of the parking area under the location of the new KCLT terminal ?
* Do you have any other 3rd party add-on scenery installed in the KCLT area such as OrbX FTX Global Base / Vector / LandClass or any terrain mesh product covering KCLT ?