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MSFS20 Project migration to Blender 3.3.18 and pluging 1.3.3


Resource contributor

After several projects with Blender 2.83 and the plugin v0.41.3 I decided to migrate to a more up-to-date environment with Blender 3.3.18 and the plugin Asobo 1.3.3 downloaded today.
My last freeware which was compiled perfectly with the old enviement and displayed correctly under MSFS20 was duplicated then migrated into this new environment.
All the materials (I think) have been migrated with the button Migrate Data in the interface.

The 3 LODs of the aircraft were exported with the parameters attached below to this post. I checked each glTF file as usual and noticed information that I did not know :
"asset" : {
"copyright" : "Lagaffe",
"extensions" : {
"ASOBO_normal_map_convention" : {
"tangent_space_convention" : "DirectX"
"generator" : "Khronos glTF Blender I/O v3.3.36 and Asobo Studio MSFS Blender I/O v1.3.3",
"version" : "2.0"
"extensionsUsed" : [

(12 messages for specular and ior)

Then these files were copied to the Projects environment and compiled with fspackagetools in manual mode. A number of warnings (yellow messages) were displayed
used a non-supported extension: KHR_materials_specular
used a non-supported extension: KHR_materials_ior
Are these messages from a bad setting that has been checked? or from several textures that have not been migrated in the new MSFS shaders ?
I launch several research on the forum but there is not much discussion about these messages (here and also on the Q&A official forum)

Another little concern, I have my options tablet that worked perfectly before, now appears completely black ...
Would the settings for displaying an instrument defined in the panel.cfg have changed.
I still use:
associated with the display plan a $Tablet_Options texture (which is defined with the same name in panel.cfg)
Base color => Green
Emission => White
MSFS Material Params: Disabled

If you have some information to help me ...


  • Parameters_1.png
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  • Parameters_2.png
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Really recommend to set your materials to Disabled and then back to msfs standard material (or the needed one e.g. glass)

In this way you will properly reset the shader nodes (and of course you will get rid of the yellow warnings about specular and ior)

You will only need to reassign the textures back in the slots (you won't loose the UV, don't worry!)

Keep in mind that the MSFS standard material by default has the metallic and rougheness multipler at 1, if you don't supply the item/comp texture you need to tweak them directly in the msfs materials parameters
;) Mamu

I wanted to test this migration on a freeware that is not yet too advanced in terms of development (the textures are basic and there is no PBR) to see what might happen.
Honestly I think it is better to avoid migrating on a project and even if you change environment, do it at the very beginning of a new add-on.

So you consider that these 2 messages actually correspond to materials that have not been correctly migrated ... this corresponds to my first impression because I really did not see what parameter in the multi-export could have generated this.

A screen of this new aircraft:
MSFS doesn't use specular or ior. I think you could consider them warnings, rather than errors, if the compile goes well. If you look in the shader tab, you could see if those attributes are actually being connectec to a color or texture.
Searching yet a solution, this morning I have find a post from Ronh ( https://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/threads/msfs-2024-sdk.459370/#post-929318 ) who give the reason of that :
If you change default ior or specular, because you touched the surface panel (please do not use the surface panel - only use the MSFS properties) then the Khronos core code will add the KHR extensions - the sim does not use KHR extensions and will flag them as warning.