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MSFS20 Reading a setting in aircraft.cfg file from within JS

Back to saving a gauge's parameters.

I can now see how a WASM gauge can save parameters to be persistent between MSFS sessions. (although I don't see any examples, or anyone doing this yet)
So is there a way that, using a WASM "dummy gauge" for a JS gauge to use that dummy WASM gauge to save it parameters ? maybe by using : L:Vars

I am sitting here, in a very simplistic JS gauge Modding environment, trying to achieve saving some of my JS gauge setting between sessions.
Do I stand any chance of doing this, without a year+ of learning how to do complex programming specific to MSFS, that seem to be beyond many 3rd party developers at the moment.

I just want to be able to have a function in my JS gauge, that saves a few Options, that can be changed in the Gauge ( ie North up/ Heading UP )
I can now see how a WASM gauge can save parameters to be persistent between MSFS sessions. (although I don't see any examples, or anyone doing this yet)
So is there a way that, using a WASM "dummy gauge" for a JS gauge to use that dummy WASM gauge to save it parameters ? maybe by using : L:Vars
Geoff_D if you made progress with this basic requirement could you share it here?

I got so close (but no cigar) trying the standard JS method of persisting data, i.e. window.localStorage.setItem('myvar','my stored string') - followed by window.localStorage.getItem('myvar') This actually works (!) within the gauge but the localStorage doesn't survive an MSFS restart.

A slightly bizarre-sounding option for low-frequency data would be to use the standard XMLHttpRequest() with an external web server - e.g. a windows binary on your PC would exist purely to serve a single URL and *it* would persist the data between requests i.e. http://localhost/msfs_store?var=mycar&value=myvalue. It's a pain needing an external binary though.

The WASM solution sounds the most promising (I didn't know it could *write* to the VFS - is there an example somewhere?) - a simple WASM gauge purely to bridge to the the filesystem would be a great utility that could be loaded with the aircraft.
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Local storage through HTML/JS gauges can easily be accomplished
..when you know how... Many thanks, I followed your link and had it up and running immediately. I'm guessing it is literally window.localStorage as is seems the stored value is required to be a string.

I was completely unaware in your html/JS gauge code you can:


And then in your gauge class you can persist string values with:

SetStoredData("my_unique_var_name", "string value to save");

And get the data back with:

var my_stored_value = GetStoredData("my_unique_var_name");

Worryingly I never even knew "JS/dataStorage.js" existed and still haven't found it in the MSFS install.
Worryingly I never even knew "JS/dataStorage.js" existed and still haven't found it in the MSFS install.
It's in the fs-base-ui package which ships in the core game install. If you're on steam this is in your steamapps folder, if you're running the MS Store msixvc packaged build you'd have to use uwpdumper to get at the files.
I have something unexpected here - please can I confirm the key-value pair should PERSIST between sim sessions ?? I'm praying I didn't misunderstand the answer and the storage is temporary.

I have successfully WRITTEN a string to localStorage with SetStoredData("B21_test_key","B21");

And can successfully read that data from a different HTML/JS gauge with GetStoredData("B21_test_key") (returns "B21")

But if I quit MSFS, comment out the SetStoredData("B21_test_key","B21");, and restart the sim and reload my test aircraft, the GetStoredData("B21_test_key") does NOT return the string.

If the data is definitely persisted, then don't worry about debugging my code, but I'm really keen to know if HTML/JS has a persistent key/value store or not.
Thanks very much for this exceptionally useful info.

Heads up: My testing suggests SetStoredData("key","value") is stored in memory until you exit the sim, and persisted to the filesystem on exit. If you exit the sim by clicking the [x] in the top-right corner of the MSFS main window, or exit via Alt-F4, then MSFS exits without persisting the SetStoredData data.

It's possible MSFS could have intended an asynchronous write to the file system some time later in the session, and I didn't wait long enough (a minute?) before quitting.