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MSFS Runway with only one taxiway connected in the middle

I building my airport with one taxiway connected in the middle of the runway. All my previous airports are good and working as they should. So, I know many how to :cool:
For this particulat airport I have only one path to runway which is connected in the middle of runway.
Runway path is splitted for two parts with numbers 01 and 19.
AI aircraft taxiing to hold short point, stops for a moment then turn to runway and stops "forever" (probably have no path to U-turn?).
Okay, then I decided to make a separate taxi path from HOLD SHORT right on the runway to the end, make U-turn with few paths and connect to RUNWAY path.
In that case AI aircraft taxi to HOLD SHORT point and stops for few minutes and disappears.
So, I'm confused how to build taxi paths for runway with one taxiway connected in the middle?
Please help!
I put it on every end, just after the number marking (closer to senter). Actually, the same point on the picture where the U-turn connected to runway path.
I haven't tried making an airport like this in MSFS but you're "looping" runway paths may be confusing the sim as to how the two starts are being interpreted.

Have you tried just using a single runway path with taxipath loops at the turnarounds located at the end on each runway? I assume that's what you started with before going with the looping geometry.
Yes, I tried. With a single runway path the aircraft turns and stops on the runway heading to U-turn, but quite far from U-turn.
I can not find anything what causes aircraft to stop moving...
Hmmm... Do you think they can't get an ATC clearance?
When I built this airport I didn't remove all arrival, approaches as well as frequencies in Airport preferences tab. Everything is original and should work...
One more question, do the runway starts have to be connected to the runway line? Ive never been quite sure of that...
Im my last airport i made a taxi line along the runway line that connected to the very end node.
(Connected by using the hold control and select method)
(This has been a trial and error since the beginning for me, and sure many other, i cant believe ive made it this far.)
As far as I know, there is no specific requirements where your runway starts are located.
By default it is on each side of the center of the runway.
This is just a point where your aircraft will spawn when you choose start on runway for departure (main menu).
i have an idea, close your scenery project and open it to the default airport. does the airport have the same runway configuration, with just the one taxiway feeding the runway in the middle?
open the debug for the airport and see how the developers configured the taxiways and whatnot.
im trying to figure out if we can keep the default pathways and taxiways AND also delete the runways/painted elements...that would be 100000x easier to just leave the original and be able to edit it!
Interesting idea!
I did it and found that we have a problem in MSFS for these kind of airports!
AI aircraft (1151) got a clearance for take-off on RWY 19, taxied to HOLDSHORT, had wait 5 secs and then turn to RWY 19 (left).
Then it stoped on taxi joint to runway, made a U-turn for RWY 19 heading and started take-off (see picture).
Runway was too short for roll out and it continued rolling on grass outside of runway and got take off at the end.
Next aircraft awaited on HOLDSHORT position for the first aircraft take-off and... disappeard! :confused:
i had some luck with making a taxi path (invisible) from the hold short down the runway, keeping it away from the runway path, down to the end and connected it to the end of the runway node.
Nope. Same behavior. AI taxiing to Holdshort and stops "forever".
I also tried to use the PATH type for path along the runway - doesn't help... (
it just seems broke, unless asobo did the ai paths, i cant seem to get anything to work 100% at any of the airports I've build so far either..

they land and disappear into the ground, they come in 2 at a time, they come in miles high, they sit at hold shorts and disappear. WTH is going on with this????
Agree. Also, for parkings places with no pushback (pass through) all aircraft have a pushback to grass or into the terminal buildings.
Even my A320 was pushed back to grass with the parking brakes set. Both engines on full throtle didn't stop the pushback truck ))))
Right now, its honestly PATHETIC.
I just spent the last hour at a huge American airport watching 320's going every which direction all across the sky, (this is the default airport, i just wanted to see the AI behavior)
literally 320s crossing the airport at 500 feet in every direction possible, some actually flying so low they crashed into the ground. it looked like apocolypse with jets falling out of the skies all around me.
of the 50 320's that were somewhat lining up to land only one ever made it down, and it was with no ATC communication, and landed on a completely different runway than what was active. Also watched a few 320s taxi out into but stop and sit and disappear after 10 minutes.
If ASOBO thinks for one second that this is all working and we have a working airport environment, they're out of their minds....&$^$%#!!!! FSX works better than this sim. you cant get ATC to give out the right runway - according to the wind- so even if we had everything completely working 100% on the ground, how can you even test the flicking runways for landing or departing. I made a post in the MS forums, but nobody there knows squat either.
My suggestion, and WHAT IM DOING ANYWAYS, is just gonna be finish building the airport, get all the infrastructure...paths etc...like they're supposed to be....AND let ASOBO figure it out on their end......if they ever do get the thing working correctly, then my airport should work...if i have to go back in a few months or whatever and fix things, then so be it.

haha screenshots of the madness in the sky.... id run far away if this was real, with a gun and a bible!

They do not think it is working. They have explicitly said AI is broken, and I think they said they'll start working on it early next year, or targetting early next year release of a first pass at a fix. It was in one of the Developer Q&A's
I didn't think to ask this before. Are you using online AI mode? This mode seems to work for enroute aircraft and ATC communications but the landing and takeoff logic seems broken. Try offline AI mode and then test both with generic model mode enabled and disabled.