Yes SBuilderX version 3.15 is compatible with P3Dv4.4.
Be certain a 'current' version of
FSUIPC compatible with P3Dv4.4 is installed (...also required for
ADE and other FS utilities).
As with prior versions of FSX and/or P3D, decide which version of FS you wish to output for when compiling scenery in SBuilderX, and be certain that the SDK "Tools" specific to that version of FS are the
only ones located within:
[SBuilderX315 install path]\Tools sub-folder
NOTE: The above cited required FS SDK "Tools" include these SDK compilers and SDK compilation-related configuration files:
Included with "
Full SBuilderX"
version 3.15 ZIP package:
EXX.xml XML Document
FLX.xml XML Document
FWX.xml XML Document
HGX.xml XML Document
HLX.xml XML Document
HPX.xml XML Document
PKX.xml XML Document
RDX.xml XML Document
RRX.xml XML Document
STX.xml XML Document
UTX.xml XML Document
bglcomp.exe Application (FS2004)
bglcomp.xsd XSD File (FS2004)
FSX or P3D files
NOT included with "full" SBuilderX" version 3.15 ZIP package::
bglcomp.exe Application
bglcomp.xsd XSD File
FSX: [FSX SDK install path]\SDK\Environment Kit\BGL Compiler SDK\
P3Dv4.4: C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4 SDK\World\Scenery\
Managed_CrashTree.dll DLL File
Managed_Lookup_Keyword.dll DLL File
FSX: [FSX SDK install path]\SDK\Environment Kit\Modeling SDK\FSX_GmaxGamePack\Plugins\
P3Dv4.4: C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4 SDK\Modeling\3ds Max\Common\Plugins\
ImageTool.exe Application
FSX: [FSX SDK install path]\SDK\Environment Kit\Terrain SDK\ImageTool.exe
P3Dv4.4: C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4 SDK\ImageTool.exe
Resample.exe Application
Shp2Vec.exe Application
FSX: [FSX SDK install path]\SDK\Environment Kit\Terrain SDK\
P3Dv4.4: C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4 SDK\World\Terrain\
Terrain.cfg CFG File
FSX: [FSX install path]\ (...main root folder)
P3Dv4.4: <
? >
XToMdl.exe Application
FSX: [FSX SDK install path]\SDK\Environment Kit\Modeling SDK\FSX_GmaxGamePack\Plugins\XToMdl.exe
P3Dv4.4: C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4 SDK\Modeling\3ds Max\Common\Plugins\XToMdl.exe
FYI: These 'could' be swapped in and out of ZIP archives kept in that same sub-folder using a batch file, PowerBuilder etc.
PS: You may find these SDK files easier by looking at file / folder path info in Arno's
ModelConverterX (aka "
MCX") >
Hope this helps !