Hi again:
1.) Delete any existing SBuilderX version 3.14 and/or version 3.15 folders
2.) Place the
SBX315.zip file (cited above) within the root of
ex: drive D:\
3.) Use
ex: WinRAR free demo version to extract (de-archive) that ZIP file with all its nested sub-folder intact
NOTE: Be certain that WinRAR is set to "
Extract Relative Paths" to preserve folder structure when un-ZIP-ing.
You should end up with a ready-to-use install of SBuilderX version 3.15 containing
all required folders and files.
4.) Browse to
ex: D:\SBX315\SBuilderX.exe
a.) Right-click > choose
Create Shortcut
b.) Within the D:\SBX315\SBuilderX folder,
Right-click the new '
Shortcut' to SBuilderX.exe (the one with a small arrow on it)
(1) From the Right-click pop-up context menu, choose '
(2) In the 'Properties' dialog, choose the {
Compatibility} tab
(3) On the 'Properties' dialog {Compatibility} tab,
Left-click [
Change settings for all users] button
(4) In 'Properties' {Compatibility} tab [
Change settings for all users] dialog, check '
Run this program as an administrator'
Left-click [
OK] button]
(6) Back on the 'Properties' dialog {
Compatibility} tab,
Left-click [
OK] button]
c.) Within the D:\SBX315\SBuilderX folder,
Left-click the new '
Shortcut' to SBuilderX.exe (the one with a small arrow on it)
d.) You should now be able to run SBuilderX version 3.15 as an Administrator
without file / folder path permission errors