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MSFS20 Texture Distortion when Importing into MSFS

Hi all,
I recently encountered a issue where the texture becomes squiggly when it's imported into MSFS. In Blender and Substance Painter, the texture look fine. Here are some photos for reference.




UV Layout: In this case, I used smart uv project, in order to create a uniform result. If I use the standard unwrap, it would not create a uniform shape, making it impossible to create masks for the shapes you see. Smart UV project did create some small stretchings, I'm not sure if that's the problem.

Any help would be appreciated!
You need more geometry, loopcuts, in that area.
Edit: Ok forget this i see you should have enough geometry. :D
Edit2: we are talking about a crazy big object. Maybe it is not enough geometry. 🤔
Hi there.
This is a known MSFS issue reported to some forums (including this one - do a search distorted surfaces-)
I faced the same issue when using UVWmapping and tiling a texture to ground polygons. The more complex the surface was and the more low the tiling value the greater the problem.
I only managed to almost resolve the issue by remaking the polygons with more and less complex polygons (using and modifying planes and not splines). After that I applied new edges which were extremely complex but had no tiling mapping placing them at higher priority.

Is the terminal one object in blender?
You can split it into multiple objects (separate by selection, in edit mode). All of them can have the same material and texture.
Maybe more smaller objects have a better rendering in msfs.
Habe You tested to unwrap the Model in Blender with Project from view from Orthographic topview and not smart UV projection.

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Is the terminal one object in blender?
You can split it into multiple objects (separate by selection, in edit mode). All of them can have the same material and texture.
Maybe more smaller objects have a better rendering in msfs.
The roof of the terminal one object. I've tried spliting it up into five objects,

But the problem is still there,
Habe You tested to unwrap the Model in Blender with Project from view from Orthographic topview and not smart UV projection.

Gesendet von meinem Redmi 8 mit Tapatalk
Project from view doesn't really work, because part of the roof is curved:
take one part of the new split objects and try to make some additional loopcuts in an area where you get distorted textures. if this helps you can add geometry where you have problems with the texture.
This is a common problem of polygon triangulation made by the different software on round or curved surfaces. The way each software triangulates the model create these distortions in your texture. There are two ways you can fix this:

1. From Blender: before exporting to .FBX or .OBJ your model, apply the triangulation modifier to all the parts or components of your model. This will ensure that the triangulation stays the same in both Blender and Substance Painter.
2. From Substance Painter: Once you are done with texturing, you can export your model from substance as a FBX file and apply triangulation, this will ensure that polygons are interpreted in the same way as inside substance painter. (you might need to import this model to blender to keep consistency among the two programs).

In your case i will recommend step Nr. 2. Since you are done with the texturing, it is quite common to break all your textures while re-importing a new FBX to Substance, but you can give it a try if re-importing everything to a new blender file is a huge burden.
This is a common problem of polygon triangulation made by the different software on round or curved surfaces. The way each software triangulates the model create these distortions in your texture. There are two ways you can fix this:

1. From Blender: before exporting to .FBX or .OBJ your model, apply the triangulation modifier to all the parts or components of your model. This will ensure that the triangulation stays the same in both Blender and Substance Painter.
2. From Substance Painter: Once you are done with texturing, you can export your model from substance as a FBX file and apply triangulation, this will ensure that polygons are interpreted in the same way as inside substance painter. (you might need to import this model to blender to keep consistency among the two programs).

In your case i will recommend step Nr. 2. Since you are done with the texturing, it is quite common to break all your textures while re-importing a new FBX to Substance, but you can give it a try if re-importing everything to a new blender file is a huge burden.
Substance Painter does seem to triangulate my mesh differently, so I used the Substance Painter mesh for export. However, when exported into sim, the result is pretty much the same, and the problem still persists.
Why are you needing to export the model from Substance Painter? There is not any reason to so. You are only exporting the textures.
Why are you needing to export the model from Substance Painter? There is not any reason to so. You are only exporting the textures.
Because LuisB suggested that the distortion might be the result of difference in triangulation between Blender and Substance Painter, so I tried using the mesh triangulated by Substance.
That is more likely caused by ngons and not quads in Blender. Though, it is good to practice in triangulating before SP.
It appears that the texture used could of caused the problem. Which texture was used. Changing the settings for it can fix it.
I've had the same problem only on 1 texture. I can't remember which settings corrected it. Someone else had the very same problem and I told him exactly what needed to be done. I haven't located this thread to point to it though.
I've had the same problem only on 1 texture. I can't remember which settings corrected it. Someone else had the very same problem and I told him exactly what needed to be done. I haven't located this thread to point to it though.
I think is the aspect ratio but it's good to know it's not only with Sketchup but with the rest of developing software. I'm thinking is the compiling of the MSFS sdk that distorts this. But there's definitely a fix as many companies have been selling their items "textyre-wavy" free. I'll follow up with this.