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MSFS20 The port of Hamburg in MSFS

I had thought about static figures, because you can hardly recognize them even from a helicopter above 300 ft. From an airplane at 1000 ft not at all.
Always in this idea I found an interesting tool: MakeHuman allows to make static models and to export them you can choose the number of poly's and lots of other stuff. Up to you
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Hello Cédrice,
thanks a lot for the tip.
This is a really nice tool. However, I work with SketchUp, so I can not use it.
But I have planned to learn Blender when the Port of Hamburg is finished.

But even with SketchUp I can insert many human figures into the scenery.
Now also the EuroGate terminal together with the associated industrial areas is finally completed.
Here are a few pictures:

View over the huge EuroGate terminal at day.....


..... and here at night


Here the area of the railroad loading and the adjacent industrial area with its much forwarding agencies and production plants:


Of course, as a former trucker, I haven't forgotten the "Trucker Meetingpoint Altenwerder". Here at day.....


..... and here at night.


In addition, some ships from Henrik Nielsen and from SimDocks have been added.

The AIDA PRIMA (by SimDocks) is now moored at the yet-to-be-built "Cruise Terminal Steinwerder",....


.... in dry dock at HDW is the "MSC Sinfonia" (by Henrik Nielsen)....


and a few SimDocks ships have also been added at the landing stages. Among them the paddle steamer "Louisiana Star" and the Helgoland catamaran "Halunder-Jet".


Since I am often asked in the forums how far I am with the scenery and when it will be released, I have now created a picture that shows the state of completion. I will update this picture every time an area is finished.
Explanations to stand see in the picture.

Wow, Manfred - this is reference work! This amount of details is unbelievable. As soon as I will change to MSFS I will spend some days in Hamburg for sure! Or will start a job over there at Finkenwerder to have "open mouth flights" above your project!
Hi and congratulations to an outstanding scenery art work. I very much look forward to have this scenery in my MSFS world!

Tommy Engman, ESNU
Again, a very good outlook! The "Halunder-Jet" recently received a new paint scheme, the green is gone and there are dolphins now, btw. Unfortunately you took good care about Dock 10, which is due to ruin the harbor scene in Hamburg with the new massive cover. They should never have had allowed that; but who aks me ...
Thank you very much!
I'm glad that you like my work. I hope that I can also implement everything as I imagine it. Only with the road, rail and shipping traffic it will probably be nothing before ASOBO has fully developed the SDK. Although some of Henrik's ships are already entering the port.
Another month has passed and it's time for a new report on the development.
Due to the Corna pandemic and the bad weather in Hamburg, I had a lot of time to work on the scenery in the past weeks.
The result is that the small ore port in "Walterhof" and the big ore port "Hansaport", the vehicle port Hamburg, the oil port and the two Kattwyk lift bridges are finished.

Actually, I thought I only needed to build the two "Rethe bascule bridges" and then I would be done with the area. But when placing the Kattwyk bridges, I noticed that the huge coal-fired power plant "Moorburg" is shown in the default version in a less than rudimentary way. Therefore I decided to build the power plant as well. It will take a good week, but I think it's worth it, because the big power plant is an important landmark that you can see from a distance.
Everything else in the following pictures.















More about the scenery in the next report in approx. 4 weeks.
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So, it took a bit longer than a week, but now the Moorburg power plant is ready. There are still one or two conveyor belts and pipe bridges missing, but so that I can meet the deadline, they will be added in a later version.

Here now a few more pictures of the power plant:

Bild70_Kraftwerk_Moorburg_2_Tag.jpgOverview from east

View of the coal conveyor belts leading from the ship's jetty to the circular coal yards.

Here is an overview from south-west to north-east at night with complete lighting.

The ship dock. For those who don't know Hamburg and wonder how the ships pass under the two bridges in the background, the bridges are lift bridges with a clearance of 53 meters.

More development pictures coming soon!
Wonderful, Hamburg is the only city in Germany that I know and this addon is superb !
By each new shot you show a huge improvement of your work. Your skills and details are getting better and better with each area you are designing. This looks superb. Congratulation!
Hi guys,

Thank you very much for the praise. I will continue to try to recreate the port as real as possible.
Manfred, this will without any doubt be the best harbor scenery ever created for a flight simulator and among the many the factors are the number of trucks, containers, and railroad wagons you placed... truly impressive.
Hello Henrik, many thanks for the praise. A big part in the natural look of the scenery have but also your ship models, which are used here (thank you very much for your permission for this).

I don't know yet if we will be able to implement native "moving ship traffic" before the release, but if not, it will follow in a later version.
When all the Hamburg-typical ships and boats in the harbor are sailing, the whole appearance and the flair of the port will be much more noticeable.

Now briefly something about the status of development. The oil port is now almost finished. Only 2-3 mooring bridges for large tankers are still missing.

When that's done, a few more bridges need to be built and replaced with the generated representations. Finally, there are quite a few AI-generated buildings between Altona Fischmarkt and Övelgönne that I don't really like either and need to be replaced.

Once that is done, the scenery will go into final beta testing.

BTW: Henrik there is a new alpha-version in the SimDocks team download area.
Hello Henrik, many thanks for the praise. A big part in the natural look of the scenery have but also your ship models, which are used here (thank you very much for your permission for this).

I don't know yet if we will be able to implement native "moving ship traffic" before the release, but if not, it will follow in a later version.
When all the Hamburg-typical ships and boats in the harbor are sailing, the whole appearance and the flair of the port will be much more noticeable.

Now briefly something about the status of development. The oil port is now almost finished. Only 2-3 mooring bridges for large tankers are still missing.

When that's done, a few more bridges need to be built and replaced with the generated representations. Finally, there are quite a few AI-generated buildings between Altona Fischmarkt and Övelgönne that I don't really like either and need to be replaced.

Once that is done, the scenery will go into final beta testing.

BTW: Henrik there is a new alpha-version in the SimDocks team download area.
Will test tonight :D The rain keeps pouring down and I'm sitting with the new DFDS ferry Cöte d'Opale for Dover-Calais - it was just delivered in China, but I hope to have it ready before it will be put in service.
Yes, the weather. This year you can say again: "The summer that was a winter". The temperatures were usually not much lower last winter. 😁
Just did a test flight over Hamburg - really great - I could continue flying for hours just to check out everything. Performance was still okay - I run a high end rig and did not go below 45 FPS but probably some with a more modest machine would start to suffer a bit, but again this scenery is a sightseeing scenery to be enjoyed best from a simple slow airplane which would help to keep FPS up.

And regards to the weather - I was just out shooting pictures for some future models and textures near the Little Belt and Fredericia - turned out to be a nice day for photo shooting due to the combination of green forest, yellow rape seed fields and a dark grey sea with choppy white waves, but not a single texture will come from the pictures today... too much rain and darkness... not a single day in May above 20 degrees this year.

Now when covid restrictions are lifted we should do a harbor tour together; despite being so close I actually never did that.
