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triggering second animation condition on same object

hi again...I've new question coming up regarding the same matter (animating a staircar)...now I could make the staircar move by triggering Nav2 value...I would like to know..if it possible to make a second animation on the same staircar where the stair could be leveled up and down (to suite aircraft height) and the value is triggered by other value (maybe Nav1)...
btw..what's Enable secondry condition mean anyway ?...is it apply on the same object that we triggered ?

The secondary condition lets you choose between multiple animations, based on the value of a variable. But all these animations still have the same trigger.

For example, for your stair that could mean that you would make one animation that move it forward to fit to a 737, while you also make a second animation that moves it forward to fit a 747. Then you can use the secondary condition to choose between those two animations, while the trigger is still the same.

One object can not have two triggers to trigger two different animations. But I think you can get what you want by using the secondary condition as well. Just remember that all animations of the secondary condition must have the same start point.
I'm sorry, I don't really understand...is that mean there gonna be 2 different file of gmax (of the same staircar but with different animation) and used their asm file (for multi-type animation) in CAT to create one mdl ?
Yes, you make multiple GMax animation, which all have different files. Then you export them all in CAT combines all the information into one MDL file again.
When you add an additional animation, what do you need the variable for, is it to select an animation?

When using a nav frequency as a trigger, what actually triggers it, putting the frequency in the standby, switching it from standby to active, or in active having the nav radio turned on?

ok..I made up 2 gmax file base on same staircar (just adding new animation on the original file and then renamed them different name file) one is staircar1734 and other is staircar1736 (where staircar1736 have the stair level up a little to fit 737-600 height) exported them and open up the asm files in CAT..

I triggered both animation using NAV2, secondry animation enbled also by NAV2 (staircar1734 1210h and staircar1736 1220h), now the problem is, when I want to compile the mdl file, it mention "the number of frame and animation table are not match" and I checked the tooltips, it is..so what did I wrong here?
now what ?!!

it seem the stair is level fine according to the aircraft, but now the problem is, no animation ??? It just jump from animation start point to animation end point just like that... :eek: :banghead:
Hi Thijs,

Thijs said:
When you add an additional animation, what do you need the variable for, is it to select an animation?

Yes, the variable of the secondairy animation is used to choose between the different animations available. They will all use the same trigger variable.

Thijs said:
When using a nav frequency as a trigger, what actually triggers it, putting the frequency in the standby, switching it from standby to active, or in active having the nav radio turned on?

The standby frequency does not trigger your animation, only the active frequency does so. The animation will start as soon as your frequency of choice is set and the return animation starts once it is no longer set.

dianna78sg said:
I triggered both animation using NAV2, secondry animation enbled also by NAV2 (staircar1734 1210h and staircar1736 1220h)

This will not work. You can not tune the NAV2 frequency to two values at the same time (trigger and secondary animation selection). So either your animation is not selected correctly or it is not triggered. You need to use different variables.

dianna78sg said:
now the problem is, when I want to compile the mdl file, it mention "the number of frame and animation table are not match" and I checked the tooltips, it is..so what did I wrong here?

This means that you have either not used the same amount of frames in both animations or you have not animated the same parts. Both of these are needed.
ok, thank you for the tips...what about the staircar just jumping from start point to end point without any animation ?
I have no idea for that. Are you sure the trigger and secondary condition are both correct in that case?
arno said:
I have no idea for that. Are you sure the trigger and secondary condition are both correct in that case?

hmm..I'll check again to see if I'm doing anything wrong...

btw what's TRAN tables and ANIM tables means ?
arno, is there any method so I could guide the aircraft to proper location and the animation of the staircar could stop accurately (or maybe give take some point) in front the aircraft front exit ?
dianna78sg said:
btw what's TRAN tables and ANIM tables means ?

The TRAN tables contain translation matrices. They define a translation and rotation for your object. The ANIM tables are also a sort of translation matrices, but these change with the time (so you get an animation).
dianna78sg said:
arno, is there any method so I could guide the aircraft to proper location and the animation of the staircar could stop accurately (or maybe give take some point) in front the aircraft front exit ?

With some leadin lines and maybe a docking system you should be able to make sure the user parks his aircraft where he should (that is also how it is done in the real world).

But in FS it also depends on the quality of the aircraft used if the door is really where you expect it. So I would just use some models that are parked at the right spot and then make the animation to match those.

There is no way to let the animation interact with the aircraft, so it automatically finds the door or so.
what about VGDS (saw this in one of BGLC tutorial by you)...could it (in some way) apply for proper parking..?
Yes, that is the kind of system that is used on real life airports to help the pilot in parking the plane. But one smaller airports marshallers are more common.
I know a way to create a docking system which shows you if you are too far right or left, and shows you when to stop.
you can make a display using planes (planes as in flat boxes, not a/c) different textured planes can shift forward and backward to create an "display"
It's hard to explain.

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I made a nice tutorial about this as well :). But it is not adviced for novice designers to try to dive into this kind of ASM code tweaking right away. I hope to release my docking systems soon.