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Hi, here's a short and simple tutorial on how to remove an existing FS2020 airport with wrong or obsolete ICAO code. I've tried to find how to do this online and none of the options is valid, except the one using ADE which I don't have installed.
So here's an example:
Our team is working on a new small/sports airport called Vojka, Nova Pazova. Existing FS2020 ICAO code is LYVO. Real and new ICAO code is LYVJ
So we've created a new project in the developer mode for this LYVJ (new, correct ICAO). And in the main menu when search: vojka first LYVO comes up, than LYVJ and both have runways, parking spots etc.. it's a mess.
And this is how we've fixed it:
1. create a new project just to close the existing airport LYVO
- in FS2020 general options, go to developers tab and turn on "developer mode"
- in FS2020 main menu go to this airport you would like to delete and spawn over there
- upper left corner you should see developer mode menu. Go to File/New Project
- find some or create a Project folder where to save this project
- type project name in our case: disable_LYVO
- type creator and company name
- click: create new project
- in the new popup window choose: package, click next
- choose airport, click next
- type LYVO, next
- choose: override and existing airport and type LYVO. It will find that airport you would like to delete
-click: Create airport
you should get a few windows open: project editor, inspector, and maybe some more windows, keep them
- in project editor window look for blue name of the project you've just created and click on it (long name)
If you don't see "inspector" window, look at the image above, go to view/inspector
As you select the blue project name in the inspector window you should see something like this:
In that placeholder space, click and it will ask for some image (I think this is mandatory). Just create some low res jpg with the exact size 412x170
Than go back to project editor window and select line called: sceneryBGL
With that line selected, go to inspector window and click on Load in Editor
You should see the Scenery Editor window and it should look like this:
In the scenery editor window make sure View/Properties is checked:
In the same scenery editor vindow select the only item called Vojka
With this selected go to the "Properties window"
In the properties window, make sure to write the existing FS2020 airport name, definitely type the EXISTING (WRONG) ICAO code in this case LYVO
- IMPORTANT: check "Closed airport" and in the "Delete command" check ALL options.
Almost done
Now go back to "scenery editor window" and click on "SAVE SCENERY"
When you click on Save Scenery it might ask you for a folder where to save it.. In your original project folder create a folder called Scene and just save it over there with unique name "LYVO_Scenes" or something like that
This question will be asked at some point so just save it with unuque name.
Than go back to Project Editor window and select the same long blue line again (airport name)
Next with this line selected go to Inspector window and click at Build package at the bottom (do not click on Clean package)
Give it a few moments and it will give you a large black terminal window: and find this line, it should say 0 failed
So this means you've created a package with your closed airport.
In project editor go to Project/Close
In the developer mode menu go to Devmode/exit dev mode if you don't need it (it will not count your flight hours if in dev mode).
Close FS2020.
Go to your project folder and find folder Packages
Inside this folder there will be a package folder that you just need to copy to your FS2020 "community folder"
That's all! Start FS2020 and old default LYVO airport is gone! Now just create a new airport from scratch with the correct ICAO code, in our case LYVJ
In case where old airport and new airport you're trying to create ICAO code is the same, in that case you don't need to delete the old airport.. just select override en existing airport LYVJ for example.
Good luck!
So here's an example:
Our team is working on a new small/sports airport called Vojka, Nova Pazova. Existing FS2020 ICAO code is LYVO. Real and new ICAO code is LYVJ
So we've created a new project in the developer mode for this LYVJ (new, correct ICAO). And in the main menu when search: vojka first LYVO comes up, than LYVJ and both have runways, parking spots etc.. it's a mess.
And this is how we've fixed it:
1. create a new project just to close the existing airport LYVO
- in FS2020 general options, go to developers tab and turn on "developer mode"
- in FS2020 main menu go to this airport you would like to delete and spawn over there
- upper left corner you should see developer mode menu. Go to File/New Project
- find some or create a Project folder where to save this project
- type project name in our case: disable_LYVO
- type creator and company name
- click: create new project
- in the new popup window choose: package, click next
- choose airport, click next
- type LYVO, next
- choose: override and existing airport and type LYVO. It will find that airport you would like to delete
-click: Create airport
you should get a few windows open: project editor, inspector, and maybe some more windows, keep them
- in project editor window look for blue name of the project you've just created and click on it (long name)
If you don't see "inspector" window, look at the image above, go to view/inspector
As you select the blue project name in the inspector window you should see something like this:
In that placeholder space, click and it will ask for some image (I think this is mandatory). Just create some low res jpg with the exact size 412x170
Than go back to project editor window and select line called: sceneryBGL
With that line selected, go to inspector window and click on Load in Editor
You should see the Scenery Editor window and it should look like this:
In the scenery editor window make sure View/Properties is checked:
In the same scenery editor vindow select the only item called Vojka
With this selected go to the "Properties window"
In the properties window, make sure to write the existing FS2020 airport name, definitely type the EXISTING (WRONG) ICAO code in this case LYVO
- IMPORTANT: check "Closed airport" and in the "Delete command" check ALL options.
Almost done

When you click on Save Scenery it might ask you for a folder where to save it.. In your original project folder create a folder called Scene and just save it over there with unique name "LYVO_Scenes" or something like that
This question will be asked at some point so just save it with unuque name.
Than go back to Project Editor window and select the same long blue line again (airport name)
Next with this line selected go to Inspector window and click at Build package at the bottom (do not click on Clean package)
Give it a few moments and it will give you a large black terminal window: and find this line, it should say 0 failed
So this means you've created a package with your closed airport.
In project editor go to Project/Close
In the developer mode menu go to Devmode/exit dev mode if you don't need it (it will not count your flight hours if in dev mode).
Close FS2020.
Go to your project folder and find folder Packages
Inside this folder there will be a package folder that you just need to copy to your FS2020 "community folder"
That's all! Start FS2020 and old default LYVO airport is gone! Now just create a new airport from scratch with the correct ICAO code, in our case LYVJ
In case where old airport and new airport you're trying to create ICAO code is the same, in that case you don't need to delete the old airport.. just select override en existing airport LYVJ for example.
Good luck!