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UV mapping problems, please advise...

I've done some objects before with Blender and Blender2MSFS without problems. Suddenly my last models just refuse to look right. I'm exhausted and don't knwo what to do... My previous models were relatively OK and then suddenly 3 new models fail to work. The look just fine in Blender. All UV mapping seems correct. I manually mapped faces after "Smart UV project" and scaling until PBR texture looks correct.

But after I export and place the object in MSFS I have this:

I'm doing everything the same I did before. I tried "Smart UV Projection" from scratch, recalculated normals, baked textures (came out a horrible mess, though baked image looks great it's mapped incorrectly, and my previous bakes with other objects also were fine), installing Blender 1.91, recreating materials from scratch, deleting all MSFS files and recreating the project, trying all options in mesh "clean up" in Blender. I'm at my wit's end. I don't know what else to try. Plase advise. I have 3 models that I spend dosenz of hours on that refuse to work!
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Lets see the wireframe in Blender to see if your geometry is correct. I suspect that you need to make some cuts to get rid of some ngons.
Lets see the wireframe in Blender to see if your geometry is correct. I suspect that you need to make some cuts to get rid of some ngons.

Anything wrong with this? How to I fix problematic faces? This was mostly created by Building Tools plugin, with some manual tweaking.
Any face that has more than 4 verts is an ngon and ngons with a lot of verts will cause problems. Either triangulate the mesh (which still might not solve all problems) or go through and manually cut or connect the verts.

I think I solved the issue with some help - there were 2 UV maps, with one left over from earlier bake, which didn't show up in Blender but screwed up MSFS. I deleted it and this problem is gone now.
Thats right, i have the same issues with multiple UV maps blender2msfs or maybe MSFS can't handle it.
Bake all textures to one map say map uv001 when everything is ready to go make sure the old pbr UVmap’s camera icon is not selected or delete that map.
Also I have found that reall cool tool problematic when window frames get real close
Window frame around windows. With the buildings tool, if I had two perpendicular walls where windows meet I had to make sure the frames didn’t touch or it was ngon city
Window frame around windows. With the buildings tool, if I had two perpendicular walls where windows meet I had to make sure the frames didn’t touch or it was ngon city
I see. Yes, it has its quirks. But saves a lot of time doing buildings.
Incidently, I just added a cube and it was half the size of one of my buildings, I Heard- somewhere using a larger scale in blender causes problems, maybe I have not had some of thoSe because I kept the scale (relative) small
I use those tools for stairs, but for windows it's easier to just use booleans and make them yourself then duplicate usually.
Hi Adam. We'll probably need to see how you are creating your materials to tell exactly what's going on. I think the wall sections and bricks certainly are a problem as well as the glass walls.

For the game engine, there are basically three ways to apply color to the mesh. Material base color, vertex colors and with a texture. For the textures, you want to have all the faces of the mesh mapped within the UV map bounds. Within Blender, you can make a smaller texture tile repeat over the entire face, but this doesn't work exactly the same way after exporting and I suspect this may be what you are seeing. The walls look like the are using just a single row of pixels from the texture and spreading them across the face.

Perhaps you can attach a screenshot of your UV map(s) and it would be clearer how you're using it. For the glass materials, these might be fixed with just a few changes to the material settings and alpha blend to get those to appear as intended. It's hard to tell what's happening with the roof material, but this could be due to the reflections making the colors look different.
Thank you for your reply. All the textures are base colours except for the brick texture which I used msfs material params.
The UV map is a bit of a mess:
Screenshot (935).png

This is what happends after I smart UV project:

Screenshot (936).png

I also have an interior which is supposed to be visible through the glass, perhjaps that is causing some problems?

the textures in the interior are also very broken in the simulator
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I don't think the transforms should affect the texturing, but it's not a bad idea to apply them after you have everything the way you want.

The first UV map you show looks ok because all the faces are flat but the problem is that everything is larger than the UV space. You just need to scale it down to fit inside the map area. The overlap is ok.
The second map has some faces that are mapped as lines. This is not what you want. In those cases, the texture is projected along the edge of the meshes, not the faces.

If you select each wall face and unwrap it, it should create nice even rectangular mapping. Then just move those around on the map until they are all distributed around.

For the transparent glass, you can control the opacity with the base color alpha value. Very low numbers are ideal here. Something in the range of 0.01 - 0.05. And you also need to have it in alpha blend mode. It's one of the MSFS material settings.

Goon luck. I would pick one area, like your brick walls and work on those until they appear correct, then move on to the rest.