Hey everyone, sorry for being absent on replies for so long. I had to deal with the declining health of my dad the past months who fortunately and miraculously made a full recovery. Unfortunately it meant I haven't really been active on anything FS related for that time but seeing everyone's replies and suggestions in the notifications and my email got me back into looking at my FS projects.
So right now I have started working a version 0.2 of the tool which should address some issues and add extra features to the tool as well as streamline the entire process. So for that I need your input as to what are some of the features your are missing or would like to have included in the tool (no promises of course, I have to be able to actually implement said features).
@peacefarm Can you maybe share your tiff and xml files with me if possible (in private message)? I can try and take a look at your issues that way.
@salud Thank you very much for the kind comments and providing some information to others while I didn't reply, I really appreciate it!
For the no data values, my original goal was to see if I can create a more exact representation of the provided DEM raster file. SO if there are areas without data, the rectangles would just generate around said values. Another approach I might look into is to do some kind of floodfill or dilation algorithm to fill in the no data values based on surrounding pixels. Similar methods are accessible in spatial tools like QGIS.
Additionally, I'm looking into providing better interpolation algorithms compared to the current ones, allowing users to select their preferred method and choosing performance over quality etc.
Lastly, I also want users to be able to edit existing rectangles in their projects, so they don't have to edit the XML files manually. Right now I suggest creating a single project specifically for elevation so the tool doesn't accidently create an erroneous FS project XML.
Those are some of the features that are currently in development, but feel free to make suggestions as I really appreciate all feedback!