Remember, every system, and thus, every helicopter ON that system, is different. WAY too many variables to take into account to make any two work "correctly" or the same.
That's why Fred (a really great guy, BTW) included all the documentation on how to change the .cfg files. They're not only there for adjusting individual helicopters, they're there to make an individual helicopter work correctly on an individual system.
Once you get the .cfg file, and the HTR settings, zeroed in for that helicopter, on that system, it really is a super add-on. The various RW helicopter pilots, and there have been quite a number involved in the development and testing of it, all say that with HTR, and a properly tuned .cfg file, a helicopter in the sim can be made to fly very nearly like the real thing. Without it, they're not even close, except some, a few, of the higher end payware models. This is according to helicopter pilots, not just "simmers". Even some military pilots. The biggest complaint every real world helicopter pilot I've talked to, is there's no "seat of the pants" input to their brain, as they got used to, and came to rely on, when flying helicopters. Not muc HTR can do about that
Not necessarily EASY to fly. Helicopters are an entirely different animal than fixed wing plane. They have very unique, and difficult, controls and FDE setups. HTR simply makes them act in the ways they're designed to. Again, not easy to fly, especially hard to hover, but as close to "realistic" as the sim has ever gotten. The developers of MSFS didn't pay much attention to helicopters, and it shows. HTR just corrects the sim's deficiencies.
But, of course, if you don't like it, just don't use it
As always, have fun to all!