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Working on VTBS2008


Resource contributor
Hi Arno,
I'm working with siamavsim to modify VTBS2006. I have read all about ActiveGate and CAT tool. I'm working to modify the gate and catagorize into 3 different hights for different models of aircraft. I modified the previous gate to more moving parts like in tutorial downloaded from AVSIM. The question is what should I do before I complie with FS2004 SDK after I've got *.MDL and *.XML. I found no *.asm or *0.asm. Second question, after I modify the *.asm what should I do next. Do I have to complie the sameway I did with other Gmax model? The third question is what the different is between active gate and CAT tool. Which one is prefered for some kind of animation? I guess the active gate is just for the gate and CAT tool is for other animations such as opening hangar gate. Quit a bit confusing for newbies.
Best Regards,
Jirayu Tanabodee
P.S. It would be nice if you have some flow chart what is all the process where to stop where to modify.

The question is what should I do before I complie with FS2004 SDK after I've got *.MDL and *.XML. I found no *.asm or *0.asm.

You need to make sure that MakeMDL saves the ASM files. This can be done by creating a CFG file for MakeMDL. See this Wiki article for details.

Second question, after I modify the *.asm what should I do next. Do I have to complie the sameway I did with other Gmax model?

Yes, just compile back to MDL and use as before. When using both CAT and ActiGate you first need to run them through CAT and then apply the ActiGate specific tweaks.

The third question is what the different is between active gate and CAT tool. Which one is prefered for some kind of animation? I guess the active gate is just for the gate and CAT tool is for other animations such as opening hangar gate. Quit a bit confusing for newbies.

ActiGate is only a module that provides extra variables to use in FS, it does nothing special for animations. With CAT you can make the conditional animations. You could use the ActiGate variables to trigger them.

P.S. It would be nice if you have some flow chart what is all the process where to stop where to modify.

I am afraid that is not so likely, I am moving to FSX and there we have different ways of animating. So I don't expect to do much on CAT or ActiGate anymore, expect some important bug fixes maybe.
Just one quick question. Can ActiGate be used with Shift-P key to activate push back car when we want to be pushed back? After that the push back car come back to its original place like the gate.
Hi, is there any plans to convert this airport into FSX?
Ive managed to get it working, but it has none of the animations.
Id love to see this airport working in FSX.

Sorry about FSX. Not so many of us play FSX in this country. The update will be for FS9. Besides, I have neither new fast computer nor FSX program. But give me sometime after successfully done with this update, I'll switch to FSX as well.
Just one quick question. Can ActiGate be used with Shift-P key to activate push back car when we want to be pushed back? After that the push back car come back to its original place like the gate.

No, you can not use keyboard keys to trigger the animations. Only variables of FS can be used for that.
Dear Arno,
After I have doing "CAT" thing, I successfully got CAT_o.asm and I did modify that file. Here is the wording and where I modified is in green letters;

LOCAL_BASE_32 term05_737_local_varbase_1
IFIN1 at_9, 033Bh, 0, 100
IFIN1 at_1, 6h, 1, 1
IFIN1 at_1, 0h, 0, 3
SETWRD 6h, 2
at_1 label word
IFIN1 at_2, 6h, 4, 4
IFIN1 at_2, 0h, 0, 3
SETWRD 6h, 5
at_2 label word
IFIN1 at_3, 6h, 2, 2
IFIN1 at_3, 0h, 97, 100
SETWRD 6h, 3
at_3 label word
IFIN1 at_4, 6h, 5, 5
IFIN1 at_4, 0h, 97, 100

SETWRD 6h, 0
at_4 label word

IFMSK lbl_end, usrvr5, 1
; code only to be displayed when condition is truelbl_end label word

IFIN1 at_6, 6h, 0, 0
SETWRD 6h, 1
at_6 label word
BGL_JUMP_32 at_8
at_5 label word
IFIN1 at_7, 6h, 3, 3
SETWRD 6h, 4
at_7 label word
at_8 label word
BGL_JUMP_32 at_10
at_9 label word
SETWRD 6h, 0
at_10 label word

The question is where I should modified userv_4. The lines in red should be modified or not. Actually I have two animations for 737 and 747. The second question is if I do need to put all the code for aircrafts in the CAT animation.
Best Regards,
I found the way to do it already. Just replace IFIN1 with IFMSK and delete another "1"
It will be like this;

IFMSK at_5, 031Ah, 1

Reading in ActiveGateSDK is quite confusing sometimes.:confused:
Dear Arno,
I have one problem with CAT. I did Gmax gate in five models and put it throught CAT. Then I modified *_cat.0asm and complied as described. It worked perfectly. I tried to make a gate number on the moving gate and it moved along with the gate nicely. I changed the gate number in five-Gmax models, exported and put it through CAT. Before I complied with bglcomp.exe, I changed the GUID number with the same model. When I opened FS9, all the gate number over the moving gate changed to the same number!. I don't know what happen. Do you have any suggestion for making gate number over each moving gate that need to put thought CAT.
Best Regards,
Jirayu Tanabodee
I found the problem already. I used the wrong Xml file to complie. However, each gate need to have one bgl file. There are 51 of them in this airport. Are there any better solution for this to make gate number on each animated gate?