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Worldscripts : tired of generating/pasting guids..... dozens off coordinates ? Helping hand here ...

Good day to all , I recently experimented the troubles for generating the worldscripts , hard work , .... not anymore.
Have a look at this.
Happy to share.

Thanks for your help with Worldscript :)

Could you possibly add a working KML demo file to the zip archive? This somehow doesn't work for me, and I think it's due to the KML file I exported from ArcGis Pro, which may not be exported in the correct format. I don't use Google Earth and I'm not familiar with KML files. But with a demo KML I could compare the contents of the files.
Hi Christian. Of couse I will.
I am new to this art also. And the MSFS compiler is , well, like every compiler .... no mercy.
As I have found out, I have already made 2 revision of the original code because of the resulting Script.xml wich of course is just an skeleton of the most importante ( and relevant for my app ). And there are many options that can or can not be incorporated.
So, you will never have a sript that works for everything , but always for a special ocasion. I am attaching a complete proyect of worldscript animation , a golf cart that follows a certain path.... With the app, you can generate your own path ( coodrinates ) because you will always need the GUIDs for every waypoint.
Before opening the sim, you take the xml in the root and click drop it into fspackagetool. ( look at root of proyect ) If it compiles ok, you are done.You will have changed the path or the model , I suppose.
The scenery ( bgl ) is needed for inserting it wherever you want. ( be aware of coordinates ..... the vehicle will chase the first waypoint from wherever you drop it into the scenery.... in the world ) ( world coordinates )
This is the standard structure for such a project , inspect every .cfg and .xml in the structure and you will understand how it works.
Attached 2 files. Proyect complete and google earth kml

Alles Gute .
Stay in touch if it does not work out.

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Hi Christian, thanks to your post I discovered that the app is missmatching longitude with latitude.
Wait for version 0.101 as soon as possible.
Sorry , only today I had the chance to test inside the sim. It compiles ok but the coordinates are wrong, that is , missmatched.
Hello Francisco :)

Thank you for providing the demo files. I really appreciate that. I'll now take some time and test all of this. I'll let you know if everything worked.
Thank you again!
As promised, short feedback from me.

Unfortunately it didn't work, I spent the last 2 days intensively creating a route and still had no success :(
I used the latest version 0.101 of Worldscript.exe. I installed Google Earth Pro, created a path there according to your instructions and saved it as Google_Path.kml. Everything compiled according to the instructions, but no vehicle can be seen at the selected location. Then I took your demo project, compiled it and moved it to the community folder. But there is no vehicle to be seen here either:


I would consider myself an experienced developer who has tried your Worldscript.exe extensively to get it to work. Maybe I'm the only one for whom it doesn't work, maybe there is someone else who could test Francisco's demo project?
I have attached my files here, maybe there is an error there.
Thank you again for your great contribution to the community :)


  • MSFS_Worldscript.zip
    5.4 KB · Views: 61
Not good news Christian , just to be shure , lets check....

To put the vehicle into the scenery , you open the proyect.
You will see thar you have 3 packages at disposal...... BGL , Simbobject and Wordlscript.
Yo load the scenery ( bgl ) into the scenery editor.
Then you select as "object" to insert , the ones called "worldscipt" type ( must scroll down the list ).
All Wordscipts at you disposal wlll appear in the list , depending on package selected on the right .... as every other object to insert....
You find the one you want , select it , checkmark on automatic adding and the vehicle will be attached at your mosue pointer ..... it will try to move away.
After insert , Save Scenery , Compile. Compile and export Inside the editor you can see the vehicle mooving ok....... seeking its first waypoint... ( world coordinates !!! )

Google Path is ok. (Fredenbaumplatz )
Vehicle_Pfad is ok ( although I detected a minor missspell , but mine compile ok ).

Before loading the sim , compile the project with fspackage tool. If it goes ok , it must work.

Let me know.
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Hmm, I'm not getting anywhere. As you recommended, I added the Worldscript via the editor. Does the Simobject have to be included in the project, or can it also be a simobject from another scenery?

Now it works :)
The error was when adding the script as an asset group. Instead, it has to be added as an object and the deer can be seen.

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Good news ! I am happy about it.
In fact you can manually edit the wordlscript to carry any model at your disposal within the sim ( just as other scenery objects you can add from other packages ).
Have a nice day , make a short video with your dear walking around your place ..... Just to amuse me ... he he he
So the routes for simobjects work very well, I'm really glad that this option exists.
One question about this. Can you have a vehicle start at a random waypoint on the route? I noticed that my vehicle always starts at the same place (Waypoint 0)
On first thought : No. The procedure we are following here is for a static element ( in the sim ) an scenery ....which happens to contain moving ( dynamic) objects. It is compiled at install and can not be modified live , as far as I understand it. You should, however inspect the information in MSFS SDK documantation : https://docs.flightsimulator.com/html/Introduction/Introduction.htm

But , then again , a second thougth is that it is possible. In fact, AAO , Axis and Ohs software offers , as part of its many powerfull tools, a way to "Handling SimObjects with RPN scripts" . That is , live, and using realtime variables .... https://flightsim.to/product/lorby-axisandohs-v4
I am attaching 3 pages of the manual of AAO : 98,99 and 100 for you to read.


I have not tried this , but it should work.
Notice that the language used is the appropiate XML as in the Wordlscript .... Waypoint .... etc.

I hope this helps you or give some new ideas to ellaborate.
Hello Francisco.
Of course I searched the SDK documentation beforehand, but didn't find anything suitable. I know that you can select a random waypoint as a starting point via Simconnect. But unfortunately I don't know anything about Simconnect, I thought you could enter that in the script XML file. I searched the documentation again, this time for the terms Spawn & Waypoint. But there was nothing suitable here either. The only thing that was interesting was the YieldToUser option. This allows you to stop a SimObject when it comes close to the user. Thank you for your answer :)
Aha ! Simconnect ? .... That sounds very much like AAO. Did you read the pages I shared ? AAO is payware , understand, but for what they charge for it compared with the infinite possibilities it gives you , I think it is a no brainer.
AAO has a time limited demo ( I think 20 minutes pers session ) , enough to experiment. And has a very good support. English and German.
The manual is long but very clear, you must read it several times making notes and you will be surprised.( as with everything .....)
I suggest you give it a try.
I do not think you can modify what is hard coded in the worldscript we create, but with AAO maybe you can redirect the object created. You have all the needed data in the XML , i.e. a) (CREATEOBJECT:title,REL|ABS,x,y,z,p,b,h,speed,onground,freeze,varname) , b) (REMOVEOBJECT:eek:bjectid) and c) (SENDWAYPOINTS:eek:bjectid,filename,loop) ( these are the 3 commands in AAO.

And , of course I can guide you in the AAO adventure, RPN scripts, etc. It is really simple.

You read the pages I shared.
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Yes, I have looked at the pages and I know Lorby's work. Behind it is a developer colleague with whom I have worked together. Oliver programmed a WASM controller for me, if I want I can have AAO for free. I just don't want to learn a new program, it would be too much effort and the benefit would probably be rather small. It is a complex and multifaceted topic :)
Ok. That developer is , for me , a Genius. AAO is marketed as an tool to program joystick buttons but in reallity it is a direct and clever designed one to interact directly with the sim. And very powerfull !! Very !
The learning curve for what you want is, as I see it, simple and short. 1 - 2 live sessions , Pronto !
I will be standing by. Count on that.
And, of course, I will experiment the next time I load the sim. he he he...