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XML2BGL Will Not Compile and Shows Error Message

What is the XML for scenery objects doing? Is it generating the models or placing them or both or something else?
What is the XML for scenery objects doing? Is it generating the models or placing them or both or something else?

It's not generating the scenery in the sim, but that's after I make changes to the coordinates. If you look at post #14, you'll see what I'm talking about. See the zipped file "Original KBHM 1970 XML" below. These are the 2 original xml files that generate the scenery in FSX. One is the placement file and the other is the MDL FS Data File. In the "Birmingham_Ez bgl zip," this XML contains the changed coordinates that I've made, and this is when the problem starts. It generates no scenery in FSX. It's the very top line. or the first one, is where I've made the changes to the coordinates.



  • Original KBHM 1970 XML Files.zip
    2.3 KB · Views: 174
  • Birmingham_Ez.bgl.zip
    1.8 KB · Views: 167
If the GUIDs are different then that is not the library from which that file is placing these objects. That's how FSX specifies the objects to to be placed.
If the GUIDs are different then that is not the library from which that file is placing these objects. That's how FSX specifies the objects to to be placed.

Hi Tom,

This airport I'm working I actually downloaded it from the Cal Classic webiste, http://www.calclassic.com/scenery.htm. This is where I downloaded the airport KBHM Birmingham 1962. When I went back and read the text file, it does say that I needed to download and install some required library files, and I haven't done that yet. Everything you said seems to make sense to me and it seems that the Guids in both the model and the placement file should match. When I opened MCX, I imported the file Brimingham1962_Lib.BGL. This file contains both the Birmingham Tower and the Birmingham Terminal, and this is the only file that contains these sceneries. When I click on the "Scenery Objects Editor button," this is where I got the Guid Information. I believe this is where I was supposed to go to check and see if the Guids matched the xml. Sure enough, the Guids were not the same. The Guid for the Control Tower in this Scenery Editor is fa541da2-f62d-4c22-a63e-668c246fd7b4. The Guid in the xml placement file is fa541da24c22f62d8c663ea6b4d76f24. I assume this is the placement file and it has the file name Birmingham_Ez.BGL. The Guid for the Birmingham Terminal in the Scenery Editor is also different from the xml, and as I said, this scenery contains both the tower and the terminal, both with different Guids, and I can select one or the other. Below is the KBHM Birmingham 1962 airport file that you can install, and maybe you can let me know if I'm using the correct files.



  • KBHM_Birmingham_1962.zip
    3 MB · Views: 159
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I think that MCX uses a different format for its GUID values vs in FS2004 placement files. If you look carefully you can see that the MDX GUID (the one with hypens) has all of the characters of the FS2004 GUID (the one without hyphens), but they are in a different order. Since I have never had a problem using MCX to edit FS2004 library objects I assume that MCX reorders that GUID into FS2004 format before creating the new BGL file.

So I don't think that mis-matching GUIDs is your problem.

So I tried this:

1. Took the original Birmingham_Ez.BGL file and decompiled it using BGL2XML.
2. Compiled it using BGLComp.
3. The terminal is still present in FS.

Therefore it appears there is something wrong with your XML file?

OK, I found out what it is. The BGLComp compiler does NOT like the file name Birmingham_Ez.bgl.xml, and does not create a valid BGL file. However, if you rename it to Birmingham_Ez.xml and compile that, then everything shows up.

Hope this helps,
Hi Tom,

I don't know if you have read my previous post but I found the problem that I was having with the sound level in FSX. So, I deleted that post. But I don't understand why that happened after I installed the panel and sound file. Would you know anything about that?

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