Texture.cfg (FSX)
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FSX implements a new method to reduce the -
- Amount of disk-space required to create aircraft containers.
- Processing & memory overheads incurred by loading & unloading identical textures from different repaints.
- Minimize the texture load impact for the multi-player environment.
It is important you understand the impact of missing textures, or mis-matched texture file extensions.
Please first read - Texture - Missing (FSX)
Every aircraft repaint required a full complement of the model's textures to be present in every texture livery folder.
There was a basic fallback option, utilising the FS\texture folder for textures common across all aircraft & scenery.
In FSX & Later
FSX and later utilise an enhanced Texture Fallback Scheme.
In its most basic form, an aircraft model only requires a single folder containing all that model's textures.
This folder is that aircraft's default texture fallback folder.
Each livery's repaint folder then need only contain those textures different from the default.
Plus a text file named texture.cfg, and that livery's thumbnail.jpg
The default texture fallback folder MUST not be called directly from any [fltsim.N] texture= entry. |
The texture config file contains references to the relative paths of the various fallback folders.
These references are ranked in order of fallback #.
Fallback.#= supplemental texture directories outside of the current livery's texture folder
The standard texture.cfg files have 3 fall back paths,
but can cascade any number of fallbacks listed.
e.g. The FSX Acceleration FA-18 uses additional fallback.# lines.
A copy of the texture.cfg is placed in every livery's texture folder.
Fallback texture files do not override textures found in the texture folder originally being called.
A small image of that aircraft livery for display in the select aircraft dialog.
The required format is a 256x128 pixel jpg.
There are a couple of minor issues -
- An acknowledged 'bug' that sometimes causes FSX -
- To lose track of where common textures are located.
- thumbnail.jpg images to become out of synch with their parent folder.
- Multiplayer users to sometimes see other player's, or their own, aircraft displaying incorrect liveries, (generally the fallback livery).
- To display some legacy aircraft incorrectly, as their texturing depends on accessing default files
- e.g. GlobalEnv_*.dds
- which by default are located in -
- C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Texture
- An incorrect path error in the FSX default aircraft's fallback.3 reference, (varies with some models see below), where paths refer to an MS 'development folder', i.e. not present on a user's system.
Inclusion of an appropriate texture.cfg will correct these.
Fix - Overview
The solution for all models is to -
- Use the ..\texture folder only for common textures, (a full texture set).
i.e. This default texture fallback folder must not be called directly from any [fltsim.N] texture= entry.
- And for every livery -
- Have dedicated ..\texture.variation folders contining only the unique textures.
- Correct the texture.cfg file to utilise the correct fallback paths.
Fix - For Existing Models
To fix this issue for pre-existing 3rd party, or FSX default aircraft.
For the sake of simplicity only, in the following example I've used the numbering system adopted for FSX default aircraft.
Folder Structure
The aircraft folder structure should be -
..\texture all common textures, (including those for the 'default livery') texture.cfg ..\texture.0 contains no textures, (default livery is held in ..\texture) texture.cfg thumbnail.jpg ..\texture.1 livery 1 unique textures only texture.cfg thumbnail.jpg ..\texture.2 livery 2 unique textures only texture.cfg thumbnail.jpg
The additional folder ..\texture.0 acts as the unique livery reference for that livery previously referenced by ..\texture
Generally, in the aircraft.cfg this was accessed by -
[fltsim.0] texture=
Which would now become -
[fltsim.0] texture=0
I said generally, as some default FSX aircraft have non-rational numbering applied.
Example below corrects the reference for FSX default aircraft's fallback.3 path.
fallback.1=..\texture fallback.2=..\..\..\..\Scenery\Global\texture fallback.3=..\..\..\..\Texture
Warning -
FSX Acceleration's FA-18, and other 3rd. party aircraft use additional fallback.# lines.
You should edit those aircraft's texture.cfg files manually.
The last row is the path to FSX's root Texture folder,
e.g. fallback.Z=..\..\..\..\Texture
Where Z generally is 3
In this example, fallback.Z provides a valid path to the following common textures -
Fresnel_Ramp.dds FresnelTest.bmp FresnelWater.bmp GENFresnel.dds GlobalEnv_AC_Chrome.dds GlobalEnv_AC_Chrome_32.dds GlobalEnv_AC_Chrome_64.dds GlobalEnv_AC_Chrome_128.dds GlobalEnvTest.dds
Texture - Related | |
Quick links to related topics - Transclusion-Texture-Oneline | |
General | Night · Perspective - Correcting (GIMP) · Seasonal textures · Taxilines with Gmax · Reflection and scenery · Bump Maps · Disappearing textures |
Transparency | Problem solving · PhotoShop |
Performance | Optimising for performance · DrawCallMonitor · Texture - Missing (FSX) |
File Formats | Formats (Overview) · DXT Compression · Texture.cfg (FSX) |
SDK - FSX | Modeling SDK (FSX) · Panels and Gauges SDK (FSX) · SimObject Container SDK (FSX) |
SDK | SDK Toolset (FS9) · SDK Toolset (FS8) |
Click the links to access the topic pages, (Default - Opens in same window). |
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