VGDS Tweaker
This manual explains the usage of the VGDS Tweaker tool. VGDS Tweaker is is a tool that produces models of visual guidance docking systems for use in your scenery.
You might wonder why you need a special tool to do this? Why did i not just release a library with the different models in it? This is because the docking systems have some code that is heading depended. Therefore you need to tune your model for the heading you want to use it at. Instead of making a library with a lot of versions, it is easier to use a tool to create the models that you need.
The models are using the FS2004 MDL techniques, but they do also function in FSX.
How to create a MDL
The figure below shows the basic user interface of VGDS Tweaker.
On the left you see a list of all available types of docking systems. Below that is a description of the currently selected docking system. On the right you see a preview picture of the currently select sytem and the settings of the object you are creating.
When you want to produce a new MDL file for use in your scenery, you need to take the following steps:
- Select the type of docking system you want to create
- Enter the heading with which this system will be used. This is the heading the aircraft has when it is parked in front of the system. You can use the button labelled FS to read the current heading from Flight Simulator. To use this function you need to have the FSConnect module installed.
- Enter the distance of the stop point. This is the distance in front of the system that the nose wheel of the aircraft is supposed to stop.
- If you wish you can enter a visibility range as well. This can be used to limit the display of the total system, as it makes no sense to drawn them while you are still on final approach miles away.
- Click the "Create new MDL" button and select where your new MDL file must be saved. You can also set the default output folder, so that you don't have to browse to that folder each time.
- For some models you will have to enter a lateral distance as well. This is the perpendicular distance from the lead-in-line the aircraft is following to the location where the model is placed.
Now you have a MDL file that you can use in your scenery like any other MDL file. So you can include it in the object library of your scenery and then place it with an XML file or a placement tool. To function correctly you must place the model with the same heading you entered while creating the MDL file.
Available docking systems
The following types of docking systems are available in VGDS Tweaker. If you have created your own docking system and would like to see it included in VGDS Tweaker as well, please contact me.
The SafeGate docking system, is available in two different version. There is a normal version that has the following functionality:
- A row of lights to indicate your distance till the stopping point. Each meter you come close an additional light is turned on. When the two bottom lights are blinking, the system is active.
- A bar, mounted in front of the docking system, that provides you with visual feedback about your lateral position. As long as the bar is lined up with the aircraft symbol behind you are on the leadin line.
- A text window that can display messages. The following messages are supported: WAIT, STOP, OK!, TOO FAR.
The ActiGate version is supposed to be used together with the ActiGate module (available from as well). This version gives you the following additional functionality:
- The OK! message when parked correctly will only show, once you have set your parking brake.
- The text window will show the type of aircraft while docking. The folllowing types of aircraft are supported:
Airbus A300 | Airbus A310 | Airbus A318 |
Airbus A319 | Airbus A320 | Airbus A321 |
Airbus A330 | Airbus A340 | Airbus A380 |
Boeing 707 | Boeing 717 | Boeing 727 |
Boeing 737 | Boeing 747 | Boeing 757 |
Boeing 767 | Boeing 777 | Boeing 787 |
Fokker F28 | Fokker 70 | Fokker 100 |
Douglas DC-8 | Douglas DC-9 | McDonnell Douglas DC-10 |
McDonnel Douglas MD80 | McDonnell Douglas MD-11 | Lockheed L1011 |
British Aerospace 146 | Canadair CRJ | Tupolev Tu-134 |
Tupolev Tu-154 | Tupolev Tu-204 | Yakovlev Yak-42 |
Ilyushin Il-86 | Ilyushin Il-96 | Embraer Emb-135 |
Embraer Emb-140 | Embraer Emb-145 | Embraer Emb-170 |
Embraer Emb-175 | Embraer Emb-190 | Embraer Emb-195 |
The SafeDock docking system, is available in two different version. There is a normal version that has the following functionality:
- On both sides of the system, a bar is shown on a screen to indicate the distance to the stopping point.
- On the top of the system, a arrows are shown on a screen to indicate the lateral position of the aircraft.
- A text window that can display messages. The following messages are supported: WAIT, STOP, OK!, TOO FAR.
The ActiGate version is supposed to be used together with the ActiGate module (available from as well). This version gives you the following additional functionality:
- The OK! message when parked correctly will only show, once you have set your parking brake.
- The text window will show the type of aircraft while docking. The folllowing types of aircraft are supported:
Airbus A300 | Airbus A310 | Airbus A318 |
Airbus A319 | Airbus A320 | Airbus A321 |
Airbus A330 | Airbus A340 | Airbus A380 |
Boeing 707 | Boeing 717 | Boeing 727 |
Boeing 737 | Boeing 747 | Boeing 757 |
Boeing 767 | Boeing 777 | Boeing 787 |
Fokker F28 | Fokker 70 | Fokker 100 |
Douglas DC-8 | Douglas DC-9 | McDonnell Douglas DC-10 |
McDonnel Douglas MD80 | McDonnell Douglas MD-11 | Lockheed L1011 |
British Aerospace 146 | Canadair CRJ | Tupolev Tu-134 |
Tupolev Tu-154 | Tupolev Tu-204 | Yakovlev Yak-42 |
Ilyushin Il-86 | Ilyushin Il-96 | Embraer Emb-135 |
Embraer Emb-140 | Embraer Emb-145 | Embraer Emb-170 |
Embraer Emb-175 | Embraer Emb-190 | Embraer Emb-195 |
The AGNIS/PAPA docking system consists of two components, an azimuth indicator to guide the direction of the aircraft and a distance indicator to guide the aircraft to the right stop position. For each of those components there are two versions available. One to be mounted on a (terminal) wall and another one mounted on a pole. The following functionality is available:
- Azimuth indicator shows two green lights when on the right heading or else one green and one red (with green being the direction the aircraft has to turn).
- The distance indicator will show two red lights and the word STOP when the stopping distance has been reached. The model only supports one stopping distance for all aircraft.
If you have any questions, suggestions or comments about VGDS Tweaker, please let me know. You can reach me either by email or through the forums of my website
User license
(c) 2005-2010 / Arno Gerretsen
This software program is distributed without charge to other scenery designers, redistribution of the original ZIP file is allowed. You are NOT allowed to sell this software program or ask money for its distribution. MDL files created with this software program can be used in commercial scenery projects if you wish.
The copyright and any intellectual property relating to this program remain the property of the author.
The software distributed in this way may represent work in progress, and bears no warranty, either expressed or implied.