• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
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    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
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    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

SbuilderX FT or M

I probably should have asked this one before creating a flatten an airport boundary exclude,but I'm a noob
As the title says when it comes to setting the height in sbuilder for my flatten and exclude I have not been able to find what Sbuilderx use.Is it Feet or metres?
I've searched the manual but not found anything and tried googling it but drawn a blank.
In ADE my airport is 6.41metres ASL which is according to the sim 27feet ASL
When I set 6.41 for my exclude and flatten heights I have buildings and trees popping out of the water.
The airport I'm trying to update is EDHI which has a very large tidal river on 2 sides of the airport.And it is here that the the buildings are showing.
So I should I be putting heights in feet or metres when using sbuilderx
I apologize for UP this topic, but I have been interested in the question for a long time, how to switch between meters and feet?)))

Check the SBuilderX.ini file documentation in the Help *.CHM file for the configuration; default is Meters:

Appendix - INI File Entries

The SBuilder.ini (SBuilderX.ini in SBuilderX version 3.15) file is located in the SBuilder root folder; one may modify its entries:

[Recent Files] - This section contains a list of the most recently opened projects.


These entries will contain paths to the most recently used folders for each function.

[Main] - The main section contains the following entries:
- DefaultLC=10 - This is the default value for the Land Class Tool.
- DefaultWC=12 - This is the default value for the Water Class Tool.
- LonIniCenter=-69.9 - This is the default value for the longitude of new projects.
- LatIniCenter= 18.5 - This is the default value for the latitude of new projects.
- DecimalDegrees=True - You can toggle decimal degrees on or off. The format is Degrees Minutes Seconds if set to False.
- MeasuringMeters=True - You can toggle the units used for the Measure Tool. You can measure in Feet if set to False.
- ShowAircraftPeriod=5000 - This is the period of time for sampling aircraft position in Flight Simulator, measured in milliseconds.
- BorderON=True - This displays a border around Maps. It is probably best to leave this to True.
- AskDelete=True - This will invoke the Confirmation dialogue when deleting an element.
- BGLFolder=C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\scenery - This sets the default path to the folder where you wish your compiled bgls placed.
- SelectedPointColor=FF008000 - This is the colour of selected points in hexadecimal values as AARRGGBB (Alpha, Red, Green, Blue).
- UnselectedPointColor=FFFF0000 - This is the colour of unselected points in hexadecimal values as AARRGGBB (Alpha, Red, Green, Blue).
- AutoLinePolyJoin=False - This will set the automatic joining of Lines and Polygons. Only set it to True when you need to join Polygons or Lines
- ShowLabels=True - This will display the labels (names) of Lines and Polygons.
- DisplayJoin=True - When set to True the joining of Lines and Polygons will happen when the items to join come closer than 3 pixels. The Joining is then a function of display.
- DirJoin=True - If set to True the joining the Direction of Lines is considered in joining, eg, the starting point of a line only joins with the ending point of the other line.
- NameJoin=True - This will set the joining of Lines and Polygons if they share the same name.
- NoEndsSmooth=True - This is the default value for the Smooth function. The smoothing is not performed on the extreme segments of a line or polygon.
- CornerSmooth=True - This is the default value for the Smooth function. Set it to Flase if you want to preserve "corners" when smoothing.
- SampleDistance= 250 - This is the default value for the Sample function.
- SmoothDistance= 5 - This is the default value for the Smooth function. If 2 points are near than the parameter value no point will be introduced between them.
- BackUpON=True - When set to True, SBuilderX will always create a back-up of your project file.
- BackUpSeconds=60 - This determines how often the project is backed-up.
- OriginalTerrainCFG=False - Set to False in order to use the Terrain.CFG file proposed by Luis Feliz-Tirado and Richard Ludowise
- GridColor=FF00FF00 - You can change the color of the grid, for example, to yellow with this value: FFFFFF00.
- CenterOnMouseWheel=False - You can center on the zoom point when using the mouse wheel.
- AircraftAltitudeOffset= .5 - The function to get the Point altitude from aircraft can be rectified by entering a value here.
- ExtraExtrusionAltitude=-20M - SBuilderX creates extra points at each extremity of an Extrusion Bridge Line. You can set their height value here.


These are the paths to the relevant folders as set in the Edit-Preferences menu.

- DefaultLineAltitude= 0 - The default altitude for newly created Lines.
- DefaultLineWidth= 5 - The default width for newly created Lines.
- SelectedLineColor=FF008000 - The color of selected lines in hexadecimal value as AARRGGBB (Alpha, Red, Green, Blue).
- DefaultLineColor=FF0000FF - - The color of unselected lines in hexadecimal value as AARRGGBB (Alpha, Red, Green, Blue).
- MakeClosedLineFromPoly=False - When using the Make Line function from a Polygon, you can choose to close the line, for example when making a lake shoreline.

- DefaultPolyAltitude= 0 - The default altitude for newly created Polygons.
- PolyFILL=True - Determines whether Polygons are filled with colour.
- DefaultPolyColor=80FFFF00 - The default colour for newly created Polygons.
- PolyColorBorder=FF000000 - The default colour for the border of newly created Polygons.

- ShapeLineGuid={89ABCDEF-EDCB-A987-6543-210FEDCBA000} - The default GUID for appended Lines in shapefiles.
- ShapeLineAltitude= 0 - The default altitude for appended Lines in shapefiles.
- ShapeLineWidth= 50 - The default width for appended Lines in shapefiles.
- ShapeLineColor=FF0000FF - The default colour for appended Lines in shapefiles.
- ShapePolyGuid={9ABCDEF0-FEDC-BA98-7654-3210FEDCB000} - The default GUID for appended Polygons in shapefiles.
- ShapePolyAltitude= 0 - The default altitude for appended Polygons in shapefiles.
- ShapePolyColor=140000FF - The default colour for appended Polygons in shapefiles.
- AddToCells=True - If set to False, Shp2Vec will replace default terrain elements with those of your scenery. If set to True, Shp2Vec will add them to the default scenery.

- ActiveTileFolder=GoogleSatellite - The default tile server in the Edit-Preferences menu.
- ReprojectMercatorTiles=True - If set to True, SBuilderX will reproject image server tiles to Geographic projection.
- SummerVariations=July,August,September
- SpringVariations=April,May,June
- FallVariations=October,November
- WinterVariations=December,February,March
- HardWinterVariations=January
You can set the months when your photo-real scenery should display seasonal variants.
- CompressionQuality=85 - Change the compression quality for photo-real scenery to another value.

- BLNSeparator=, - This is the separator used between fields in BLN files.
- BLNPolyGuid={47D48287-3ADE-4FC5-8BEC-B6B36901E612} - The default GUID for appended Polygons in BLN files.
- BLNPolyColor=FFFF0000 - The default colour for appended Polygons in BLN files.
- BLNLineGuid={42E70A8E-6A7D-4279-9A0C-2AE9C2FCFD16} - The default GUID for appended Lines in BLN files.
- BLNLineColor=FFFFFF00 - The default colour for appended Lines in BLN files.
- BLNIsPolyAlt=True - Interpret 3rd parameter, if present, as Polygon altitude.
- BLNIsLineAlt=True - Interpret 3rd parameter, if present, as Line altitude.
- BLNStartWidth= 5 - The default value for the starting width of appended Lines in BLN files.
- BLNEndWidth= 5 - The default value for the end width of appended Lines in BLN files.
- BLNLineFromPoly=True - Make a Line from appended Polygons in BLN files
- BLNExportAltitudes=True - Include altitudes of Lines and Polygons when exporting to BLN files.

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Check the SBuilderX.ini
I have a long time ago making various changes to this config file for a long time but for some reason always left this value(MeasuringMeters=True) out of sight , thanks for bringing me to this;)
oops, it turns out has long been set to MeasuringMeters=False, but after compilation we still get the alt in feet, 9.8ft(you can see this alt in the attached vector file) not 3ft as i set before compilation...
any ideas?


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To quote SBuilderX author Luis Sa':



In SBuilderX units of measurements are meters. You must give the polygon the altitude of the airport. You can use the Real altitude seen on airport charts or you can take the altitude from the sim.

1 feet = 0.3048 meters

Kind Regards,


Hi again:

* Open BGL in Patrick Germain's CvxExtractor, and export to ESRI *.SHP file(s)

* Swap P3Dv5.x SDK files in / out of SBuilderX\Tools sub-folder instead of P3Dv1.4x SDK files ...as needed

* Append *.SHP file(s) to SBuilderX, select all Appended CVX vector objects and convert units for vertices from Feet to Meters:

Feet = 0.3048 Meters, so 3 Feet = 0.9144 Meters

* Select all Appended CVX vector objects and Compile to CVX vector BGL

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SBuilderX author Luis Sa': In SBuilderX units of measurements are meters.
- MeasuringMeters=True - You can toggle the units used for the Measure Tool. You can measure in Feet if set to False.

* Append *.SHP file(s) to SBuilderX, select all Appended CVX vector objects and convert units for vertices from Feet to Meters
I'm confused...

I initially have this file in .SHP since the polygon was created in SBX and saved in .SHP
I already have a set alt of 3 in this polygon, I thought it was 3 feet since the MeasuringMeters=False was set, but it turned out it's still meters...
Hi again:

By default SBuilderX does not save *.SHP and related source data after compilation by SDK SHP2VEC.

If one exports a *.SBX SBuilderX Exchange file, all project data including vectors will be saved, unlike when a *.SBP SBuilderX Project file is used.

Since you posted only a CVX vector BGL above, I based my example work-flow above, on what you made available.

If you already have a saved *.SHP available, you can of course Append that back into SBuilderX and use that to re-configure your CVX vector flatten.

To learn procedures for making more accurate scenery in local FS world areas, you may wish to review this tutorial: :teacher:

Terrain Design


File Description:
Terrain Design for Flight Simulator X

This simple illustrated document explains the basic concepts in Flight Simulator X terrain, and how to change them using SBuilder for FS X. Make new water bodies, roads, vehicle traffic, airport flattens, remove autogen, add more detail - anybody can do it easily and quickly.
My most sincere apologies - I am unable, for lack of free time, to offer support of any kind. For questions or problems, please post in the Avsim scenery design forum.

Filename: terrain_design_for_flight_simulator_x.zip
License: Freeware
Added: 14th December 2009, 13:29:15
Downloads: 16648
Author: Luis Feliz-Tirado
Size: 3991kb


If you read the complete tutorial cited above, you will also see this explanation by the author:

"VERY IMPORTANT: All Hydro Polygons (and Airport Flattens) must have an altitude value that defines their height. Generally, you can determine the height of terrain by slewing in FS X and using Dick Ludowise's TCalc X, or simply by loading the relevant altitude mesh in TMFViewer, pointing to the desired area, and reading the altitude value in the Status Bar. The default mesh file is in the same scenery folder as the default terrain scenery (the "cvx" file) and is called "demxxxx.bgl", with xxxx being the name of that folder, in this case, "dem0303.bgl".

Once you have determined the height of the location of the Hydro Polygon (or flatten), right-click on the edge of the polygon and select "Set altitude...


In the "Constant altitude" section, indicate the height in meters of the Hydro Polygon (or flatten), click "OK", then click "Close". For sea-level water, the SBuilderX default value of 0 meters will be correct." :pushpin:

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I based my example work-flow above, on what you made available.
sorry, ok

If you already have a saved *.SHP available, you can of course Append that back into SBuilderX and use that to re-configure your CVX vector flatten.
yes i have, as I said above:
I already have a set alt of 3 in this polygon, I thought it was 3 feet since the MeasuringMeters=False was set, but it turned out it's still meters...
I see that this is not 3 feet, but 9.8ft meters after compilation in this polygon (ofcourse, SBX shows 3, but it's not 3 feet but 3 meters).


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Since it is not clear whether you are asking a question, here is an updated procedure guide:

* SBuilderX Menu > Edit > Edit INI File ... > (SBuilderX.INI opens in NotePad)

In NotePad:

* Edit MeasuringMeters=False > File > Save > File > Exit NotePad (SBuilderX workspace returns)

* Re-start SBuilderX

Back in SBuilderX workspace:

* Append *.SHP file(s) to SBuilderX

CAVEAT: During the 'Append' of CVX vectors from ESRI *.SHP files, one must carefully choose the 'tool-tip' attribute text and color that SBuilderX will display in the work-space for properties of the 'imported' vector objects.

I recommend using similar SDK CVX vector attribute ID text and colors in SBuilderX as FS / P3D SDK uses in TMFviewer. :pushpin:

FLX Flattens / Airport Background / Boundary *.SHP files:

SBuilderX Menu > File > Append > ESRI *.SHP... < "SBuilderX: Append Shapefile" dialog opens >

In SBuilderX: Append Shapefile dialog: Browse / Select: FLX[filename].shp > click [Open] < "SBuilderX - Appending a Polygon Shapefile" dialog opens >

In "SBuilderX - Appending a Polygon Shapefile" dialog:

Under "Name or Label of Imported Polys" > "Get from this Field" pick-list" > choose "GUID"

In "SBuilderX - Appending a Polygon Shapefile" dialog:

Under "Altitude and Color of Imported Polys" > "Color (Click to change)" > click [Colored square]

< "SBuilderX - Color and Transparency" dialog opens >

In "SBuilderX - Color and Transparency" dialog > click Yellow (Light: - set RGB: 255,255,0)

In "SBuilderX - Color and Transparency" dialog > "Set Transparency": type 64 in text box to Right of slider; click [OK]

One can use and modify Appended vector objects in SBuilderX Polygon or Line Tool mode with context menu choices and/or letter Key presses to convert Polygons to Lines, Break, Join, Insert vertex points, Delete vertex points etc.

If an isolated Poly-line segment can be safely deleted without losing other connected portions of the overall larger vector object, be certain that it is selected properly (the Poly-line turns Green with Red vertex points), then press < Delete > Key.

You will find more details on the SBuilderX Polygon or Line Tool mode special functions accessed from context menu and letter Key presses in the SBuilderX 'Help' *.CHM file via:

SBuilderX Menu > Help > {Search Tab} query string: Polygon > click: "Working with Points, Lines and Polygons"

* Select all Appended CVX vector objects so that all vertices turn Green

* Hover Mouse Cursor over Poly-line boundary which defines Polygon > Right-click > Set Altitude ...

* Enter 3 in "Apply Constant Altitude To Points" field > Mouse Left-click [Set] button > Mouse Left-click [Close] button

FYI: This sets / converts units for vertices from Meters to Feet:

NOTE: Feet = 0.3048 Meters, so 3 Feet = 0.9144 Meters;

* Select all Appended CVX vector objects and Compile to CVX vector BGL

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Thank you for helping me, but it doesn't work.;(
and i need feet, not meters:

In NotePad:

* Edit MeasuringMeters=True > File > Save > File > Exit NotePad (SBuilderX workspace returns)
and then
Enter 3 in "Apply Constant Altitude To Points" field > Mouse Left-click [Set] button > Mouse Left-click [Close] button
* Select all Appended CVX vector objects and Compile to CVX vector BGL
as a result, the vector file(I also attached it above) stores alt of 3 meters instead of 3 feet...
I hope now you understand what I'm talking about from the very beginning.
you will also need to re-start SBuilderX before the measuring units change will take effect in the work-space environment.
of course it was done, I'm probably doing something wrong or it broken, I'll try to record a video later...
Hi again:

I can confirm the results you describe above with persistence of output Altitude Units in Meters ...rather than in Feet. :scratchch

I re-installed SBuilderX version 3.15, then repeated the steps cited in my latter post above, with MeasuringMeters=False.

On the SBuilderX {Vector Polys} tab of the Properties dialog, I confirmed the assigned GUID for Type 153: AB_Flatten.

I then compiled a CVX vector BGL via SBuilderX.

I opened that output CVX BGL in Patrick Germain's CvxExtractor, exported to a *.BLN file.

Next, I opened that *.BLN file in NotePad to verify assigned Altitude values:


Below is a screenshot of the same CVX BGL I output from SBuilderX, opened in Patrick Germain's BGLViewer:


I shall need to refresh my memory on this anomalous result; I may have overlooked a 'quirk' of SBuilderX functionality. :scratchch


OK, I have reviewed the available info, and IIRC, SBuilderX author Luis Sa' did not provide internal Foot to Meter Unit conversion.

AFAIK, he otherwise sought to ensure compliance with SDK SHP2VEC criteria for specific CVX vector objects requiring Altitudes.

IIUC, the MeasuringMeters=False INI parameter value only affects the displayed Units on screen when using the Measuring Tool.

Altitude AMSL in Meters is the default units required by SBuilderX (...and most other FS airport and terrain utilities). :pushpin:

kmanning said:


Also, is it possible for me to change the unit of altitude to "feet" in SbuilderX?


To quote SBuilderX author Luis Sa':

Luis_Sá said:



In SBuilderX units of measurements are meters. You must give the polygon the altitude of the airport. You can use the Real altitude seen on airport charts or you can take the altitude from the sim.

1 feet = 0.3048 meters

Kind Regards,


Thus, if you want a 3 Foot Altitude AB_Flatten, you must enter 0.9144 Meters in SBuilderX' dialog field for (Constant) Altitude. ;)




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