I have changed the File Menu which was hardly intuitive. It now reads:
Set Default XML Path
Open XML
If you try to launch Open XML without a Default XML Path, it will open the Set Default Path dialogue.
FSUIPC Connection has now been included, plus a decoder for the taxi sign text. After a Taxi Sign "AutoScan", clicking on the intersection number where a bad sign is reported now decodes the Taxi Sign to make it easier to understand, AND if fsuipc connection has been made to the Flight Sim, it will position the aircraft over that taxi sign.
This has not been tested with Lockeed Martin products. Version 0.9c does not work with the ADE 20.... XML output. There is a lot more data in the XML, so I have to work out a way to make it work on this new platform. I am currently working on modifying an airport so that I have source XML on which to test it.